Very small cut on foot


New member
Jul 18, 2015
New Jersey
Dexter, SI Eclectus
This morning I noticed a very small cut on Dexter's foot, under 2mm long, right on the joint. It looks like a tiny split in the skin. It appears dry and healing, not wet or bloody looking, no pus, no swelling, he's using the foot and leg normally and basically paying it no mind (stepping up and playing as normal).

I don't know exactly when he injured it, but he's handled enough and I'm pretty observant of his condition. I suspect it happened sometime late yesterday or overnight.

Outside of doing an extra thorough cage cleaning to prevent infection, is there anything else I need to do? Would you bring your bird to the vet for a minor injury such as this one?
Nope, I wouldn't take either of my fids to the vet for such a small cut/injury as long as it gets better fairly quickly (which is should). :)
I'm sure you have already inspected it enough, but I've panicked many times thinking Foo had a cut and it was just raspberry juice in a crease. :)
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I had a berry juice scare last week LOL. It was smeared all down the back of one leg and was very wet looking. I nearly had a heart attack thinking he had a huge wound. This one is a real cut, I checked twice ;).
There is nothing wrong with a good cage clearing. However, I would recommend while doing it, complete a very detailed inspection of the cage and everything in and around it. If you come across a sharp edge smooth it or remove it.

I agree with not getting crazed over small cuts that quickly clot. Save it for the ones that do not.

Love the use of metric measurement, we need to force ourselves to do much more of that.
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Thanks for the tip on looking for sharp edges, I had not thought of that. There is nothing new in his cage and he has not been injured before, so I guess it didn't cross my mind.

I did an extra-thorough cleaning, then steamed cleaned the entire cage, perches and toys when done with the Poop Off, but I should have been looking for something jagged that could have cut him in the first place. I guess I know what this evening's project will be!

The cut is healing nicely, you can barely see it now unless you know where it is and look for it. I've been watching carefully for any oozing or swelling and have seen none.

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