Very fearful baby green cheek


New member
Apr 26, 2024
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pineapple green cheek
hi! i'm very new here but i've had a few birds before, but my new 5 month old green cheek is extremely timid and fearful. he was hand fed and tame, and not aggressive at all but extremely afraid of my hands, or anyone coming near him. i've had him for about a week now, and i was wondering what i could do to gain his trust? i've been watching youtube videos on gaining birds trust, but a lot of the tips resort to food and mine hates eating food from my hands and would rather climb around me. he doesn't make any anxious noises, just runs around.
This is going to sound silly, But....put on a long sleeve pullover and cover your fingers. Then hold the millet or treat etc....

Some birds are hand shy, but covering your fingers with a sleeve can sometimes work.

No guarantee and over time they lose interest and you can have hands again.

Fingers are sometimes a little scary...just hide them for a bit.
This is going to sound silly, But....put on a long sleeve pullover and cover your fingers. Then hold the millet or treat etc....

Some birds are hand shy, but covering your fingers with a sleeve can sometimes work.

No guarantee and over time they lose interest and you can have hands again.

Fingers are sometimes a little scary...just hide them for a bit.
thank you! i've tried and i even introduced a spoon, still seemed to be a little scared
Wow, take your time!!! Dont rush things, parrots can take weeks or even months to settle in and decide you are safe. Go at his pace and not the pace of your expectations.

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