Velcro Bird


New member
Jul 18, 2015
Saratoga Springs NY
Gollum - Senegal
Hatch Day- 5/8/15 &

Dobby- Indian Ringneck
Hatch Day- 7/16/15
Hello, long time no speak!

Gollum (5 month Senegal) is doing great. She is an amazing companion. There are some questions about her behavior and what I can do, if anything.
Let me start with positives. When I put her in her cage at night and cover it, she does not make a sound until she hears someone moving around the house... it doesnt matter if it is 5am or 8am, she is quiet as long as we are. She does not show any aggression towards me ever. She showers with me every other day and although she does not seem to care for getting soaked, she does not protest at all.
Now for some not so positive. She does not like anyone else in the house, she tolerates their existence. She will accept a almond or fruit from everyone else but they are not allowed to touch her (per Gollum). If I am laying in the bed with Gollum and my kids get to close, she will charge at them. What can I do to help with this?
She is fine as long as I am in the room but when I leave the room she calls over and over.
She is wants to be on me all the time. She would be content with just holding on and going where ever I go all day. I can put her down, she flies back... that, I think, became a game so now after the first time I put her down and she flies again, I put her on a play stand in a different room. This morning I look and she is hopping down the stairs after me (hilarious to watch actually). She just wants to be with/on me. I feel guilty for needing space lol. Sometimes I am doing projects where I just dont want a bird ON me.
She has so many play stands and toys to chew on. She will shred her toys for a bit each day but if I go out of sight... she stops and she calls. If I ignore her, after a while she will either follow me or start playing.
I get Dobby in a week. I want to learn from my mistakes with Gollum in hopes to keep from Dobby following in some of the unwanted behavior.
I am home all day. So she is out of her cage from 6am -7pm. Unless I leave the house or cooking on top of the stove.
Advice needed... Thanks so much
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They are known for over-bonding! You want everyone to love your baby as much as you do! When she calls you, just try calling back. Let her know you are both safe. Don't underestimate her ability to understand what you are saying, if I ask JoJo to wait a bit, I will be right back, she will sit quietly and wait.
It's overbonding.

In terms of going to other members of the household: Disfavored person training is posted somewhere on this site. Do this training with every member of the household until the behavior improves.

In terms of overbonding issues: This will improve as the disfavored person training starts to work. SECOND TO THAT THOUGH this bird just needs a little more structure.

This is your me time.

This is your on your own time. No fussing. If you want to stay out, you have to stay put. If you don't stay put, I have to put you back in your cage. Are you going to behave?!

This is when we eat.

This is when we play.

This is when we sleep.

Get him on a schedule.

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