Vandal TALKS!


New member
Jun 18, 2013
Glendale, AZ
My beautiful SI Eclectus Zephyr and my handsome B&G macaw Vandal, daughter's Sun Conure Loki and son's GCC Blaze
I haven't been on here in forever, but I figure it is about time for an update :)

First off, Vandal has learned a word!

[ame=""]Vandal's first word - YouTube[/ame]

He has learned how to say "Hi!" Daughter and I thought we might have heard him saying it a couple of days ago, but we weren't sure. Then, Friday night, hubby was out in the driveway cleaning his shotgun (can't do it inside with the yucky smelling chemicals) and I walked to the door with Vandal on my arm and cracked it open to tell hubby something. The door has a glass panel and Vandal saw him through it and he puffed up his cute little head and yells "Hi! Hi! Hi!"

Now he's all about the saying hi. He says it whenever he sees you (or the dog, or himself in the mirror, or when he heard me in the kitchen this morning before I uncovered the bird cages..). SOOOOOO CUTE! My other birds don't talk, so this was.. crazy exciting :) I'm pretty sure he has been trying to say "love you" today, too.

His favourite pastime is laying on hubby's chest and snuggling up under his neck.


[ame=""]Cutie Vandal snuggling with his daddy - YouTube[/ame]

He would spend all day doing this if he could. And he's very jealous of his spot. We've been working on bird introductions, but haven't had much success, unfortunately. I think Zephyr (the ekkie) is just.. "that guy". None of the birds want to be friends with him, and I don't know why -.-

Vandal doesn't mind the little birds, but they're definitely a little frightened of him. I can have them out at the same time though, at least. I can't have Zephyr out at the same time as anyone else.

But if the littles decide they're going to hang out on Daddy's chest during snuggle time, Vandal gets mopey and jealous and he'll come sit on me instead and make pathetic noises until the little birds move. Then he'll run to "his spot" and immediately flop onto his side and not move at all. Usually when he's snuggling he wants to chew fingers and wrestle and play, but if someone else has previously been in his spot (even if it was me laying my head there :p) he'll just claim his spot and not move.

And Loki (the Sun) seems to think it is amusing to sneak up veeeeeery slowly on Vandal and bite his foot.


Thankfully, Vandal does not seem to care. Honestly, I don't think it hurts him? I can't believe how hard he bites his OWN foot (I've had my finger in his beak at the same time as his foot was also in there and gosh darn does he bite that foot..). He has dinosaur feet. He's getting really, really good about controlling his bite pressure. He never hurts the kids with his bites (though he loves to mouth everyone), and he only gets me too hard when he starts getting over-excited (and not drawing blood hard, just uncomfortable hard). He bites hubby pretty hard sometimes, but I blame that on hubby. Hubby likes to play rough and doesn't discourage him from biting much harder than I would allow. But as long as he knows that everyone has a different tolerance and sticks with it, I suppose I don't care how hard he bites hubby :p so long as hubby doesn't mind.

His feathers on his back are a completely mess, because he spends half of his life rolling around on his back :p But he's the cutest, awesomest bird in the entire world.

As I feared, he has decided that hubby is the best thing since sliced bread. All animals pick hubby! But Vandal is very fair with his attentions. He's a little ham, and absolutely everyone has to love him. He can't stand for someone to be in the room who isn't telling him how adorable and sweet he is, so even though hubby is his favourite he always comes to demand snuggles from me too, so I don't feel left out.

My sister is actually terrified of birds. She won't even hold the littles. She came over last weekend, though (we were going to a hockey game) and when she saw Vandal, she went straight over to his cage, opened it up, and took him out. I thought I was hallucinating. I guess he was just too cute to resist! She ended up sleeping over after the game, and when I woke up she already had him back out. She couldn't get enough of him laying like a baby in her arms and demanding love.

And now, I suppose I shall end this 10-page long update.
Wonderful update and super cute videos. Glad to hear your flock is doing so well.
Aww, Vandal sounds like a total sweetheart!
What a cutie pie! How are they with your conures?
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He doesn't pay much attention to the conures, unless they steal his daddy snuggling spot, then he mopes and sulks until they move. The conures are a little scared of him (mostly when he flaps his wings), especially the Green Cheek. The Sun keeps trying to bite his feet, but Vandal doesn't seem to notice and/or care.
Thats good then, they get along for the most part. My Sun conure is so jealous of my grey. Or any bird I get for that matter lol
So glad you gave an update! Vandal is growing cuter every time I see him:D
Awesome! It's exciting to hear for the first time, and a real surprise when they do since not all birds talk. I'm surprised Zephyr doesn't talk. VERY cute! Thanks for sharing the update!
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I'm pretty sure Zephyr thinks he is the king of the world, therefore if we want to communicate with him, we must learn to speak Eclectus.

Pity macaws are so aggressive, eh?!

THIS is how they should be, and I know I'm preaching to the choir, but if more people would just interact with their own birds...

They are just the best friggin' birds most of the time!
He's a little ham, and absolutely everyone has to love him. He can't stand for someone to be in the room who isn't telling him how adorable and sweet he is...

My sister is actually terrified of birds. She won't even hold the littles. She came over last weekend, though (we were going to a hockey game) and when she saw Vandal, she went straight over to his cage, opened it up, and took him out. I thought I was hallucinating. I guess he was just too cute to resist! She ended up sleeping over after the game, and when I woke up she already had him back out. She couldn't get enough of him laying like a baby in her arms and demanding love.

The little ham stuff... NOW THAT'S A MACAW!

About your sister... you do realize that alien abductions are more common in Arizona!
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Haha, and here I thought it was a Macaw Abduction. She does live out in the boonies though, now that you mention it....
Haha, and here I thought it was a Macaw Abduction. She does live out in the boonies though, now that you mention it....

Uhh-Ohh! Better check around her property for one of those giant pea pods....

Either that or macaws just refuse to allow people NOT to play with them. And any fear you once had is gone once you've played with them a couple of times.

Despite their reputations, they really are easy birds to work with, aren't they?!

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