Vacuum sealing chop


New member
Oct 15, 2013
I finished my first attempt at making chop for the birds today and I bought a food saver to vaccum seal it and freeze the extra to try to keep it as fresh as possible, but I feel like I mostly succeeded in making a mess. It pulled a lot of the water out. Is this okay does removing some of the excess moisture remove any of the nutritional value from the mix? Also at first I couldn't even get the bags to seal and I do t think I finished any of them without having to seal twice. Does anyone have any tips or tricks to get it running smoothly?
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Thanks I never would have thought to pre freeze the bags but I think that should work perfectly!!
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Thanks, I was typing on my phone and couldn't see the letter very well and by the time I noticed it wouldn't let me fix it.
I did have another question. I soaked all of my vegetables before I chopped them in water with vinegar and then rinsed them really well. Which I've never done for myself I usually just run some water over them and call it a day, but I guess I care more about the birds than me. Anyway I didn't smell it when I put the food in their bowls but when I went to take them out about an hour later I noticed it smelled very vinegary. Is that normal or if I didn't get all the vinegar off is it dangerous for the parrots?
I wouldn't really soak it.
I think it's one part vinegar to 2 parts water... I can't remember... I have mine in a spray bottle on my kitchen counter. But I just spray the veg and fruit and rinse really really well.

Just double checked it's 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar

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