Using the Multiple Quote button


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
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College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
So I've tried using the MQ button so that I don't go on obnoxiously posting 10 posts in a row to answer on my threads.

It didn't work. :confused: When I clicked the MQ button of each member I wanted to quote, the MQ button at the bottom of their post lit up a different color, but then what do I do?

I'm almost afraid to post this in case the answer is so simple and right in front of my face that I'll look like some idiot!
Click the MQ for each post you want to quote and then go to the bottom of the last post and to the left side, hit the POST REPLY. That will copy all the messages into the message box, just jump in between the posts to type whatever you want.
OMG. That is just too easy. Thanks Jen!

Of course!!! Makes sense now. I never even look at that "Post Reply" button because I'm in the habit of always using the "quick reply" text box. I think I will start using it. That way it probably gives you the emoticons without having to click the "go advanced" button.
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I did not know how to do that either, thanks Jen:)
It actually would have been a posting worthy video if you had seen me the night I tried to do that for the first time... and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, screaming at the monitor does not help with problem solving at all... just saying...
Here's another method.....

Press the MQ
button for each post you want to reply in, *EXCEPT* the very last one! On the last post you want to quote, instead of pressing the MQ button, press the QUOTE
button instead! :)

After that, it's everything else that Jen said!
Thanks again! I actually love this feature, and have been using it quite regularly

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