Used perch and cage cup questions!!


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Maine, USA
Sprite the cinnamon green cheek conure.
Not really sure where this would go so I just put it in the parrot topics section.
Okay so first, I got my cage today. It came with 3 wood perches, 1 sand perch and a rope perch. The rope perch is pretty beat, and I think im gonna throw it away. My question is, can I disinfect the other perches or do I have to throw them away. There are 2 manzanita, 1 ribbon wood, and one sand perch.
The cage only came with 3 out of 5 crocks. On the way back, one of the crocks shattered (i wasnt going to use it anyway because it had already broken and the people glued it). Another one of the crocks is cracking and I dont want to use it because I read that bacteria can grow in the cracks. One of the cups is in perfect condition (just really needs to be cleaned). The other 2 cups that the cage is suppose to come with are the ones for the play top. Since Cal. Cage Co. had stopped making cages I cant buy replacement cups. So my question is, does anyone know where I can buy cups that are about 2 3/4 high and about 3 1/2 diameter.
Thanks sooooo much to anyone who read all of this and can give me a good answer!!
edit: Just found out the crock is 8 oz.
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I think I found the crock.
edit: Nope I didnt, turns out they dont sell them anymore >:[
I think I may have found some, not the exact but I think they'll do...
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I brought all the perches in to disinfect them (which I am going to do soon).
They are all in great condition, (just really dirty!!) but one of the wood perches' bark is coming off (idk what kind of wood it is). Can I use any of these? Im going to throw out the rope perch because I cant clean it deep enough and it is coming apart
You could try to find coop cups to put in the cage. They are stainless steel, which does not hold bacteria, and come with a hoop to attach them anywhere you want inside the cage.

If the perches are cleaned well, even one that has a few cracks in it are fine. Just make sure you disinfect them and allow them to thoroughly dry before you place them in the cage.

I don't like rope perches, they have a tendency to fray and birds, especially tiels, can get their toes caught in them.
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Today I disinfected them but Im not sure if I did it "right".
I soaked them in hot water (like, it hurt when I stuck my hand in hot) and I soaked them for about 10 mins. Then I scrubbed them, rinsed them, sprayed them with 50% vinegar 50% water. Then I let them dry in the sun. Is this alright?
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I also hosed down the cage and all the trays and grate and scrubbed them and sprayed them with vinegar then let them dry in the sun, then I rinsed them.
I just talked to my breeder about this yesterday as I bought a used cage, too. she said you can use bleach and water to disinfect the cage and the UV from the sunlight also destroys bacteria, so leaving it in the sun was a good move.

She told me the manzanita wood is a hard wood and can be cleaned with vinegar and water, left to dry in the sun, and then put in a freezer to make sure. She said softer wood or plastic should just be thrown away and replaced. She also told me to wash anything new we buy as a precaution.

My cage didn't come with cups. The previous owner had a flock of finches in it and the parrot cups that came with it were too big for them. If you happen to find cups, please let me know! I thought I would be able to buy them at any pet store. I'd planned on getting the cups and my toys and perches this weekend, but from the sounds of it cups might be a problem to find.
I read somewhere on here once that you can possibly get food cups for guinea pigs, and attach them to the cage sides.
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I'd like to get cups to fit in the cup holders in the cage or else the holders would get in that way. I think these will fit it: Ceramic Dish 2.5 inch Marble
Thanks alotttt for the help MJJean.
edit: should I put 10 parts water 1 part bleach in a spray bottle and spray the cage?
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just use F10 disenfectant. its bird safe and kills just about every germ out there!

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