Use an Avian lamp or not ? (Plus an Air humidifier)


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Apr 26, 2022
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Han Solo - SI Male Eclectus
Hello Ekkies lovers.

I was wondering if anyone uses avian sun lamps for their Eclectus ?

Last year in the UK, for most of year, birds were generally not allowed out uncovered, due to a bad long outbreak of avian flu. I fear that it will be the same this year. Some of our poultry farms have had to be culled due to mass infection. we are now having difficulty getting eggs in the shops and the disease has mutated to effect Foxes now as well because wild birds Are often their food source.
So I fear again a very sparse year of actually getting out into the sun with my boy.
I was wondering if I should get an avian lamp. He has a very tall cage so the lamp would have to be fixed to the ceiling, like a strip light. (Parrot pro5T) Would anyone recommend using a sun lamp for an Ekkie ?

thank you.

Positive story: Recently he has also been scratching more than usual, of course the heating is on a fair bit right now too, humidity is only in the 40s.. so I bought a humidifier. It is on for a few hours in the morning when the heating comes on and again in the evening for when it gets a little warmer. It’s only been 2 days but theres hardly any scratching today. I bought the puremate Ultrasonic cool mist and it’s kept on the other side of the room to him. I chose this one as it has a ceramic filter not a carbon one, you can turn the ioniser off and the mist is cold, not hot.

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