urgent: long bird claws


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Nov 30, 2023
Recently, my pet bird Pebbles has been lifting her leg and limping a bit. I was worried about her health and found out that her nails are too long, which is causing her discomfort. I noticed that she is trying to chew them off. Unfortunately, there is no bird groomer near my place, and I'm afraid to do it myself as I don't want to lose her trust. Even professional groomers say it is hard to clip her nails because she curls her feet up. Sand perches have ruined her feet, so that's not a option. Could you please suggest what should I do?
Like dog claws, trimming has to be done just a tiny bit at a time, so the blood supply to the claw is not opened up. If he is not cooperative, toweling may be needed and manipulating the foot open so you can trim the claws. A cat/dog claw trim tool works OK. Just not too much at a time! If he does bleed, use corn starch to stem the bleeding, not a styptic pen or similar.
When you do clip nails make sure you towel. Even for birds that let me handle them, I always towel for things I know they consider to be unpleasant... that way they don't think "they're going to cut my nails!!!" every time you try to touch them. Only when you're holding a towel lol.

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