Upper beak blockage. Need advise.


New member
Aug 5, 2014
Hi, I have a 25 year old African Grey. I rescued her that long ago. She was tragic bald (whole body !). She loved my Sis, so she had her till she passed away 2 summers ago. I got Haweye back ( she will tell you she is a girl). She developed a beak misalignment, not sure why. I have had her beak professionally trimmed at least 3 times now by vet. She keeps getting a big ball of ? sunflower seed in her upper beak. I have taken her to the vet twice to fix this and it keeps reoccuring. Question, anything I can do to unblock it myself and how do I prevent it. Thanks for any help.
I don't know about preventing it, other than to stop feeding the sunflower seeds.

As to impaction in the upper beak, can you hold your bird, open the beak & use a toothpick to loosen and pry the impaction out? I wouldn't be too worried about using a toothpick because there is no soft tissue in the upper beak, to be concerned about.

Have you discussed diet problems, possible liver disease or other potential nutritional problems with your vet?

Dr. Scott McDonald has a webpage that discusses and provides images of a plethora of different beak problems & causes, that might offer
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I am not sure she would let me. We did check labs first time but I decided to just suck it up and make vet appointment so he can show me how to do it. Thank you for answering back so fast. She is a rescue and a serious piece of work. LOL. She initially got Trismus ( crooked beak) from biting my feral cat for looking at her banana.... karma... Cat wasn't trying to get her just smelled banana. ...she has everything imaginable, cuddle bone, toys, etc to fix it but doesn't.. She won't the feed without the sunflowers spoiled thing. She is 25ish going on crochety.. LOL.

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