Updates and an introduction!


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
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1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
Iā€™m sure a few of you remember me. Without going into the details of my absence the past 2+ years, Iā€™m now divorced and live in a new area with my son. I just bought 23 acres of land that has 3 cabins and 2 20ā€™ shipping containers that is 100% off grid and will be moving up there within a few weeks. Going to be fixing this property up over the next few months. Mainly replacing the solar system with a one that provides a lot more power and finishing the unfinished interior of the main cabin (which is actually made of 2 shipping containers!) The second big project will require some professional assistance to build out one of the 20ā€™ containers to be a tiny house purpose-built just for my animals! I have spent the past year or so moving every few weeks and have picked up a zoo full of new rescues on the way. Itā€™s at a point, these critters need their own easier to clean space. Going to have one huge window installed on the side facing the yard (with metal ā€œshuttersā€ that can be closed and padlocked shut) installed and leave the large front doors so the entire front can open to nature with an inner screen door for safety. Itā€™ll be heated with propane in the winter and have solar fans installed for ventilation (plus a big window to open). And Iā€™ll have room for a nice seating area because weā€™ll be spending a lot of time back there! Theyā€™ll all be living temporarily in the second cabin, which is very small but also very nice, with us while we work on the first cabin and shipping container.

My second reason for this thread was to make a special introduction! Iā€™ve always kinda thought Iā€™d never get a second parrot but the universe had other plans and bestowed upon me a second rescue blue front! I named ā€œherā€ Tropicana, tho I didn't DNA and just took a wild guess because ā€œsheā€™sā€ so small next to Kiwi. The guy I rescued her from thought she may be a boy but also never DNAd. She was living outdoors, turned loose into the backyard during the day and chased back into her ā€œcageā€ at night with a BBQ fork and unsurprisingly had a crap diet as well. She ā€œmayā€ be around 7 or 8 years old, but who knows? She had no name and I know nothing about her prior homes beyond this guy traded another bird for her a few years ago. No band. Sheā€™s not tame at all, but will step on a stick. Amazingly no health issues given she was living essentially wild out in the elements for several years. Hasnt been much time to really work with her but she is at least indoors and being cared for. She seems happy enough and has been doing well living free range like Kiwi. Speaking of the big green guy, she became instant besties with Kiwi upon first introduction, which ended up happening a little sooner than Iā€™d have liked but it all worked out in the end. I think Kiwi is a lot happier too. He had a very difficult time with the divorce and had become a mbit depressed but since Tropicana has been around, heā€™s been a happy bird again.

Kiwi on left, Tropicana on the right šŸ„°šŸ¦–


The shipping container (the black shed next to it is going to be a workshop).

Welcome back April & Kiwi and welcome to Tropicana!
Your new place sounds absolutely fantastic. With your creative mind I am so excited to see what everything looks like when you finish.
I'm so glad you found a new, wonderful home, and 23 acres sounds like heaven:)
Tropicana is stunning, look at all that blue on her face! I'm so glad that she and Kiwi are getting along, and you will soon be settled in your new place.
So glad to see you, please don't be a stranger!
Be still my heart! After hearing [part of] your story last year, April, youā€™ve been on my mind a lot. This message made my day! You deserve to finally have a settled life, and it sounds like youā€™ve found that in this wonderfully idyllic setting!

Sounds like a place your art can really thrive as well. I believe we left off with Cā€¦coelacanthšŸ˜

Youā€™ll appreciate returning to the forum at this point in time, as parrot art is having a renaissance around here. One of the OGs coming back showing these kids how itā€™s DONE :) nothing like what you do is seen here. Youā€™re gonna wow them!

And congratulations on the new addition! Such a beauty! Thereā€™s something poetic to me in her story, almost a kindred spirit for you. I know sheā€™s in the BEST hands!
First, so very happy to hear your still around and have started a new life!!

Living off-the-grid has great opportunities and great pitfalls! Winter being the most challenging and dangerous pitfalls, because it doesn't care and cold can be deadly.

Solar upgrade! If the single panel is the extent of what you have. No question that a Major upgrade is what needed!! It is a rapidly growing technology and like every six months have been major upgrades. Once it was a DYI afternoon project and a few bucks and life was, well kind of dim. Today's systems can take all the trappings of a modern home and be fully supported by a large, multi-panel system. I know that is not what you need or want, but you need to be closer to it than where you are currently. Find someone you trust that is working with the 'newest' technology to provide you both an DC and an AC system. No, you do not want to go only DC! Because lots of stuff is only available in AC! And, AC stuff is commonly less expensive. Remember that the panels need to be easily access-able to assure you can keep them clean year around! Remove snow in the winter and keep the surfaces clean in the Summer!

Not sure of the North South alignment of your shipping containers, but if at all possible you want the window on the Southside of your container, because Sunlight is free and Solar-heating via a window is free! Double Panel glass reduces UV! It is only when a film is added between the two that UV is stopped. So, yes to double pane glass! No, to double pane with film a layer between them.

Food!! A greenhouse is strongly recommended as it will extend your growing season, with some crops providing a double harvest!

Snow!! Know how much your area commonly gets and what is a worst case 'blizzard' event! As it could be weeks before you can get out! Know what you have to contend with.

Rain!! Next rain storm, get outside and determine where the run-off water is coming from and where its going!! A wash-out is dangerous!

Water!! Do you have a well and have you tested the water?

Looks like your new Amazon is a Northern Range Blue-front that has been crossed with a Kiwi like Blue Front (Southern Range)! Not going to guess on Sex as size is not an indicator as the Northern Range Blue Front had been seriously over-breed and became much smaller as a result.

Much Love Dear Friend!
Congratulations on your achievements!
Love Tropicana šŸ’˜ wow on her past history...
What a blessing Kiwi and (her) are best buddies
Good to see you are back! And welcome to Tropic-anna ! Seems like a name any Amazon would gladly learn!
Hello hello from a Newbie! Glad to meet you and your fids! The new place sounds amazing. Can't wait to see the projects up and being built ! (and eventually done, but the cool thing will be seeing the containers transformed!)

I believe Living Traditions Homestead on Youtube had a video on living with solar power. They use it for their workshop and use it for running some of their machines and stuff. Seems to work pretty good for them :) . (... ETA: Found it! Living Traditions Homestead -Solar Powered Workshop) . Again, nice to meet you and hope to see you around some more :)
Sounds like an amazing project.
With the state of the world as it is getting back to basics is a good survival tactic.

Itā€™s always good to hear a rescue story especially when it involves an Amazon. Good on you for taking her in.
My match making with ā€œThe Twinsā€ (Mexican red headed amazon) also had a similar result. That is one of the birds broke quarantine early by flying over to the new arriva.

looking forward to hearing more about your projects of homesteading and new adoption.
Be still my heart! After hearing [part of] your story last year, April, youā€™ve been on my mind a lot. This message made my day! You deserve to finally have a settled life, and it sounds like youā€™ve found that in this wonderfully idyllic setting!

Sounds like a place your art can really thrive as well. I believe we left off with Cā€¦coelacanthšŸ˜

Youā€™ll appreciate returning to the forum at this point in time, as parrot art is having a renaissance around here. One of the OGs coming back showing these kids how itā€™s DONE :) nothing like what you do is seen here. Youā€™re gonna wow them!

And congratulations on the new addition! Such a beauty! Thereā€™s something poetic to me in her story, almost a kindred spirit for you. I know sheā€™s in the BEST hands!
Congratulations on your new and safe home. I am envious and I so wish you the best of luck. Though I donā€™t know your story, I can guess or imagine and I hope your new living situation works out.

I spent several months living on a friendā€™s sofa with my two bird cages balanced on their tv speakers. It is difficult and vulnerable especially if you attract animals who also need housing!

Tropicana is beautiful and Iā€™m glad sheā€™s with you having a nice life.

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