Update on Tonks :)


Apr 25, 2013
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Victoria, Australia
Tonks (Cockatiel), Sid, Johnny, Aussie (Lovebirds), Punky (Galah)
So after 3 and a bit weeks, Tonks is finally settling in :)

He doesn't put his crest up every time we move any more lol, and he has ventured down to the bottom of his cage a few times now. He will go and investigate any new toys we put in although rarely actually 'plays', we've worked out that he LOVES foraging toys though - as long as there is millet in them ;)
He's mastered the 'wolf whistle', and he will venture out of his cage when we leave the door open. He won't come OFF the cage though, and quickly scuttles back in if it looks like we're going to go near him lol...
He was eating from my hand from day 1, but was VERY nervous about it. Now he rushes over when I put my hand in the cage with food :)
He's not stepping up yet, but that's ok :) he hasn't been with us long and he's a very nervous bird - hell, it's taken 3 weeks just for him to stop jumping every time we move, even if we're on the other side of the room lol...
He's still not keen on pellets or veggies but we'll get there eventually ;)
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he sounds like he is settling in VERY well :D some birds can take months to get to where Tonks is, so he is making great progress
That's great news! :) It's definitely a rewarding feeling when a nervous bird finally starts to open up. When I first got my parakeet Chipper, I was afraid he was never even going to chirp! He was so quiet, and barely moved around his cage. Even after I tamed him and he started letting me pet him and hold him, he was still really quiet. He wouldn't play with his toys and just in general seemed really shy and reserved. I was afraid he might have been depressed. But sure enough, he eventually opened up and he became very friendly and got a big attitude!

Now he chirps all the time and makes all kinds of whistling and chattering sounds. He climbs all over his cage and goes nuts playing with his toys. He's gotten very clingy and loves being with me. He starts squawking whenever I leave the room! :D And if I sit on the floor with him, he'll sometimes come running to me and jumps in my lap.

Sometimes it can take a while, but once a bird gets used to its home and starts to bond with you, they are amazing little friends. :)

Until recently, I had no idea that birds could have such a unique personality and could be so friendly.

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