Update on new bird!


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Seattle, Washington
Lilo - Female Green Cheek Conure ~ Pal - male cockatiel ~ Pheobe - female cockatiel
So he is settling in very well, he is starting to like me and tolerate me holding him! And get this, he watches my favorite show with me and he likes it! :D he laughs at the funny parts even before I get to laugh! The show is called monk and I call the new bird Adrian because monks name is Adrian Monk! :p But his real name is Sonic because of his colors. It is after the old basket ball team the Seattle Sonics. Their colors are green and yellow. But I'm not a fan so I call him Adrian! Thankfully my dad doesn't call him by name to his face so he wont get confused! :D :rainbow1: I gave him a bunch of toys in his cage form Lilo, she doesn't like some of the toys I bought her so I gave them to him and he seems to like them! :)

:green2: :rainbow1: :D :rolleyes:
So is his name Adrian?? I happen to be a fan of the name Adrian, so I had 2 birds with the name before (at different times)... a boy Adrian and a female Adrion. Both had an unfortunately short life :(

Poi's definitely do have a sense of humor, so it's no surprise he gets the jokes and laughs first LOL ;). I like the show Monk too.
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Im sorry about the birdys passing :( R.I.P. Little sweet hearts.

But anyways yes, I do really like the name Adrian! :) And Monk!!!!!!!! LOVE it! :D :p Too bad I didn't name Lilo Shirona! I couldn't name her Natalie or Julie because my moms name is Julie and my sisters name is Natalie! :) Maybe my brothers could have been Adrian and Randy! lol :) And my dad could be Leland! I am on a roll now! :D Oh my, that would be odd!

Lilo is finally finding out that there is another bird in the house! I wonder what they will do when they meet! :)
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Happy to hear you and Adrian are bonding and Adrian is enjoying his new home. I'm curious about Lilo and Adrian's first meeting. Hope it goes well. Love the name, Adrian.
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Maybe Lilo will flirt like she did with my cockatiel! :D

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