Unusual Senegal behavior, help!!


New member
Aug 27, 2013
i've had jackson for about 6-7 months now and I was told he was only 8 months from the pet shop I bought him from, making him around 15 months old. He's been fine until recent months where he has started to randomly scream and then attack his own wing, I don't think he's trying to pluck his feathers as it's more of him hitting himself than biting. He alsi agressively bangs his gead/beak on his bowl and random objects in the cage. This is becomming more and more common and I can't understand why.

His cage is roughly 3x4x5 feet so he has more than enough room and he comes out every day to fly around and socialise with everyone. He's also located in the living room so there's almost always someone there to communicate with him.

Does anyone know what this could be in aid of? I want to try and fix what ever is wrong before he hurts himself.

Kayleigh :)
Could he be molting?

Sometimes our African brown head will be a bit more cranky and aggressively preen/hit/bite her wing when an annoying pin is coming in. Usually doesn't last too long.
Due to unusual nature of the behavior, might I suggest a trip to an avian vet? The screaming then attacking of the wing is not a normal behavior and may indicate an issue that can't be fixed at home.
I agree. There is something going on and the first thing you need to do is eliminate all possible physical causes.

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