Unshelled nuts before 1 year old??


New member
May 9, 2013
Sun conure "Akiro"
Indian ring neck "Ollie"
Indian ring neck "kiwi"
Green cheek conure "squeakers"
I went to the bird store today and the lady yelled at me because I was giving Anzu peanuts and almonds, and she said that i HAVE to shell every nut i give him and that he isn't supposed to have any nuts with a shell before he hits a year old because his beak is soft. I was just wondering if this was true or just something she was saying :confused:
I have never heard of that before :S

Fargo was getting shelled nuts from the breeder at 6 months old, not sure what age they start getting them, but when i saw him at 6 months they were feeding them!

His beak is soft until a year old? What? Hahaha
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I dunno thats why i asked, he's been eating peanuts and Almonds but the lady was saying how bad it was for them, but i didn't think it was true, she's just mad that i didn't get a macaw from their store, thats the bad thing about them their like a car dealership :eek: They don't care who birds go to
I also haven't heard that before. Not to mention that she had no business yelling at you about anything.
Went to the store in Saline, didn't you?
I went to the bird store today and the lady yelled at me because I was giving Anzu peanuts and almonds, and she said that i HAVE to shell every nut i give him and that he isn't supposed to have any nuts with a shell before he hits a year old because his beak is soft. I was just wondering if this was true or just something she was saying :confused:

Niko ate unshelled nuts from the time he came home...at 4 months. And not just almonds and peanuts (which are pretty soft shelled), he had walnuts, Brazilian nuts, pine nuts, and hazelnuts, too. :) His 4 month old "soft" beak had no issues at all tearing them wide open. ;)
if what the lady at the store said has any truth, nobody told Munkie, our 6 month old conure. this little guy can tear open anything unshelled, along with dismantling metal zippers and other very hard type objects and has not once seemed bothered by any of it.
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