Unplanned Senegal...


New member
Apr 8, 2013
Redding, CA
TAG Spirit,RLA Danny,Senegal Damon, Parrotlet Opal, B&G Paris
Went to pay bills today and found out my storage had been sold and got to meet the new owners. Found out they had parrots and that they need to rehome a Senegal that was bitting the family. They had only had it 2 weeks. I asked to see it and it was love at first site on his part. In 5 min. I could do just about anything I wanted with this bird. I went ahead and brought it home and scraped a cage and toys up. It hates everyone in my family and loves to sucker people in with a ask for a head pet then bite! I am still on the fence as to keep or find a great female home for him.....he is really sweet.


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Well, it seem he's chosen you! You should try to keep him since he's in love with you already. That type of relationship happens for a reason and I think you should keep him with you. :)
Lifes sometimes like that :)
I agree the bird wants to be with you and congrats on your new baby.:D
Did they get him as a baby? 2 weeks is such a short time. I'm just wondering if this was an impulse buy for them or if they knew anything about birds before getting him.

Congrats on your new little buddy. He sure is a cutie. ;)
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Did they get him as a baby? 2 weeks is such a short time. I'm just wondering if this was an impulse buy for them or if they knew anything about birds before getting him.

Congrats on your new little buddy. He sure is a cutie. ;)

The ones I got him from owned a B&G, UC and a green check. They had bought him from some one that wanted $400 with out cage and was willing to drop it to $100 if they would just take the bird. From what I was told he is 4 to 5 years old.

So far his behavior is just like any other one person parrot. He is way more trusting of me then I could ever hope. I need to post his "Monster" look he gets when I take him out and he mantels to tell every one to stay back I am HIS!
lol sounds like my sene, you could be in the honeymoon phase, keeping him will depend on your family, as mine had extreme behaviors, but has settled and its taken 2yrs and having all member of the family help, every1 got bit, aerial attacked, bullied, personal items destroyed, chewed (this is a good thing, as my man an son have started putting things away abit more :) )

nut was very one person, and her fav person changed etc, but she is settled into the family and although she still gives a firm nip enough to bruise, these are rare

so good luck with damon :)
They should have kept the Senegal. They only had him for two weeks. Owning a Senegal means your going to get bitten periodically even the chosen one will get bitten. That's just what Senegals do, they could be loving up on you one minute and the next bite the #$%$^^&&^(& out of you.
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So far I have been bitten once my him. He was really upset and had his head turned and I touched him. I must say the side of the beak cuts faster then the tip. This bite was my fault and I knew better. He was upset after and kept touching my finger after.
Sennies from what I read are 1-person birds. But that is just a generalization really. My Snoopy is super sweet and loves everybody in my house hold. Of course he does have a favorite person which is me.

I even let strangers hold him because of his sweet nature. When he is in the car and if he sees another human being he will start making kissing sounds, lol.

Now he was not like this in baby phase. At the time he was getting use to his new environment. It took time and effort to win his trust. So I would take the easy slow approach.

I would suggest to have your family members talk to the bird and offer treats. It takes time to win a birds love. So all the best to you, peace

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