Uh Oh!


New member
Jul 25, 2014
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Honolulu, Hawaii
Budgerigar: Arrow, Esther, Kratos, Cora, Ducky.

Lovebird: Izzy, Gizmo.
Get Ready to Meet.....

I know you guys said to wait off until another bird but....

This is Gizmo! I need help with his color mutation though, theres just too many colors.

So the backstory: He was found in a garage of a housing unit. The manager took him around the block trying to find his owner with no luck. She then took him to the vet to be checked out and the vet said he was perfectly healthy (also said it was a male). The tail feathers were pulled out by possibly a cat but I was told they'll be back in a few months *fingers crossed*. The manager has 4 cats so she wasn't able to take care of him anymore and found my add on craigslist, (I was trying to meet bird species to clarify) and decided I was a good home.

I met him that same day and she had him step on her and placed him on my shoulder and he was already demanding to be scritched. She let me have him, the cage, the cage stand, the playgym, and 3 bags of different foods for free!
We were making a stop to Kahala Mall so I decided to run in to the pet store next to it to by him a travel cage. He went into the mall fine and was a real celebrity in the mall. Right now he's home and is chirping away and wanting more scritches.
Did I mention everyone loves him!? He doesn't mind anyone touching him and will go to anyone. I'll be working on basic commands tomorrow but it should be an easy start. I'm not sure how old he is but he's supposedly young.

(not my hand LOL)

(not a fan of the cage design but I want him used to the house first)

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Wow...you were meant to have that bird! How beautiful...congrats!!
Re: Get Ready to Meet.....

Beautiful lovebird! I agree, I'd ditch the circular cage. They are terrible for birds.
he is a pied peach faced lovebird :) of the green variety of pieds. pieds are my favourites! hes gorgeous, even with his little duck butt ;)

he does seem to have the build and personality traits of a male, but you'd still need a DNA test to know for sure. since traits and build vary bird to bird
He's so cute! But circular cages can cause psychological problems. It funny to see how friendly he is though <3
he is a pied peach faced lovebird :) of the green variety of pieds. pieds are my favourites! hes gorgeous, even with his little duck butt ;)

he does seem to have the build and personality traits of a male, but you'd still need a DNA test to know for sure. since traits and build vary bird to bird

The pieds are my favorite too! The next would be the violet mutation.
He was seen by a vet but I wasn't sure if they were avian certified so he'll be getting another check + DNA testing.
Re: Get Ready to Meet.....

Beautiful lovebird! I agree, I'd ditch the circular cage. They are terrible for birds.
He's so cute! But circular cages can cause psychological problems. It funny to see how friendly he is though <3

The cage will have to be replaced until Monday because I have no ride to go to any shops and there's no other cages except for travel cages. I already hated it because there were no horizontal bars for him to climb.
Thank you all! Besides his bowel issues, he's settled down quite well.

He loves and will take any attention he can get, he's also been eating more millet. I've been trying to get him addicted so I can start his training. He's very docile, he started sleeping snuggled in my hand. Sometimes he'll allow me to just pick him up, but so far no major biting. It was my fault, I might have touched the wrong pin feather, but I got a stern warning from him. Still learning his boundaries, sometimes I feel like I'm pushing it LOL, but he is very forgiving to me.
I have to say - rescued animals are always very grateful... Sounds like ur cutie is happy to be with someone that understands him! :)
Congrats! So glad the little guy/girl found you! Beautiful little Lovie!
I have to say - rescued animals are always very grateful... Sounds like ur cutie is happy to be with someone that understands him! :)

I have to agree, all of our dogs are from the local shelter here. They are 90% full of love, and maybe 10% stubbornness. All they want is to be with you. Our Boston LOVES sitting on your lap, and our Terrier will just lay next to you. But for them to do that they need to jump on you (part of why I don't hang out with them so much now-too many cuts from their nails).

Gizmo is way too smart, he knows when he's about to be picked up so his natural defense is to beg for pettings so he won't step up.
I'm working on it, but I'm letting him have more time to relax and get used to everyone.
Gizmo's just adorable! He found a soft place to land with you. Congratulations. :)

I think the carpet is the softest place to land :D ! He's getting more comfortable walking around on a "quest" to find someone to lick. He usually goes for the toes, which are really gross. He's a strange one

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