Two Indian Ringnecks need rehoming (Sydney)

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Oct 21, 2014
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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a good home for my two indian ringnecks to go to. Unfortunately I'm moving soon and I can't take them with me, so would love for them to find a great home where they will be looked after.

I'd prefer both of them to go to the same home, but it's not necessary. The grey one is female and is about 4 years old. The white one is around 9 months old, and I believe is a male. Both have been handraised and looked after.

Contact me for more details if you're interested. Thanks



I'm sorry to hear you are unable to keep your birds :( unfortunately I think we are a BIT too far apart. Best of luck.
Hi there, are you still looking for homes? And if so, where are you located?
Is sad to hear that you need to rehome your lovely friends. I would like to adopt them, but I live in the Caribbean, and is very, very far from Australia... If you think that is possible, contact me :)
These two lovelies found a great home with Sam, the saintly lady who found my Barney and returned him to me. They're very happy in her home in Newcastle, NSW, Australia. :) :)
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