Two female keets, mating behaviour?


New member
Mar 4, 2012
Arty & Greenie (parakeets), Skyfall (cockatiel)
Hi all. I have two female parakeets Greenie (4 years) and Arty (1 year). And yes, they both have brown ceres :p.

I got Arty a few months ago and these two are very bonded with one another. Greenie is usually quiet, and always has been. Arty is a very flirty birdy, also happily talking to herself, head bopping and kissing Greenie. Sometimes Arty's behaviour does appear to be sort of male-ish (very loud, singy, and the usual 'keet courtship dancing) but I've been told sometimes two females will exhibit this, plus Arty just seems to be a very energetic little one. Today the two were being flirty as usual, and then Greenie attempted to mount Arty. I know this can be a playful or semi-dominant behaviour. Basically I am just interested to know if anyone else has noticed two females acting like this, or if it is possible for a male to have a brown cere. yArty's cere turned brown as soon as she grew up, and seems very health and happy so I don't believe it reproductive cancer or similar, although I suppose I could be wrong. Thanks! :greenyellow:

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