Twisted flight feather/s


New member
Jul 17, 2013
Crestview Fl.
Goffin Too, U2, Scarlet Mac, B&G Mac, DYH Zon, CAG and a
Birdbrained Wife!
Our scarlet has 2 flight feathers on his right wing that are twisted upside down. The shaft is fine, no twist in it.

They look funky but don't seen to bother him. They have been this way for quite sometime. I have been waiting for them to molt.

My question is should I hasten it and pluck them???
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They are old / older feathers, no blood in them and edges are getting wrinkly.
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    2015-09-14 13.20.58.jpg
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Are you letting him fly every day? If he is flying fine as in controlled and safe..then I would say let them molt out...That's just my logic and I am not an expert by any means..
About how long? If there's no blood supply then he should eventually remove them, but ive heard that sometimes they can be difficult.
If you wan't you can go and get him checked out by a vet otherwise like the others said you can see if they will just molt out. Apart from those odd feathers he looks beautiful. :D
Removing them completely may prove to be a bit stressful, no? (For both of you) If they don't bother him, I'd wait until he molts them out by himself. :)
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The thing is, they are on his off side for preening. (Scissor beak) so I don't know if he did it trying to preen or not.

Well, maybe they will drop out soon...
Foo had flight feathers that looked like that when we first got her. She also had barring. They came out, or she removed them within probably a months time of noticing them. No harm seemed to come out of it and she never acted like they bothered her.

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