Turning my house into tooth picks


Oct 27, 2012
north qld, Australia
alexandrines : Oxy, Bruno, prince (was princess)
ok so before any lectures me on how it comes with the territory, im fully aware of it, and accept it. but if there is way to prevent it/ deter it i would live to hear it.

so i live in a rental house and i know its an old house, as far as i know it coukd contain asbestos or even lead paint.
prince abd bruno have taken to gripping onto the screens, widow frames, curtain rods and rod holders when i remove the curtain rod to chew on my walls.
as soon as i go over to them they will fly off, ive tried time outs etc.

although the damage will prevent me from getting my bond back (although the house is for sale and will most likely be demolished so it may not be an issue) i have remoulded window sills etc before with putty with my previous birds so i can repair the damage. i am worried for the health of birds.

has any one come across something that is not harmful to your fids that you can put on to deter them??
Gemini, I've been in construction for over 40 years & while you could have lead paint on walls & woodwork, I seriously doubt you have any asbestos in those walls.....I could be wrong, but that looks like it was wooden paneling that has been painted over, with wooden trim used to kill the paneling joints.....

The trim is probably pine or whatever white wood was used when it was made...as to the paneling, if it was a good grade, there may have been a bit of formaldehyde used in its manufacture, however, if it was a cheaper grade, the amount of formaldehyde could have been appreciable.....

In any event, I would keep your carpenters away from wall redecoration and on new construction projects with only safe wood.....from your pic, I'm not sure one or all of them would have ingested enough paint to be of concern, though you might want to give your vet a call & discuss the situation.....if the possibility of lead paint concers you, lead detection kits are available from major paint stores, however, here in the states, some of the kits are useless.....they don't really all work, can't offer any brand suggestions for your little part of the world.....sorry.....

If that's the only redecoration they've done, that moulding looks like what we call screen moulding...it holds bug screen to screen doors and should be readily available at a good supply store.....I would take a utility knife and carefully cut the joint of the moulding, on both sides, where it meets the paneling, then start at the top, where the piece was broken off & remove the rest, take a piece with you & get another to replace it.....

Good luck.....what you save from your security might get you a couple of Fosters & some fruit & veggies for the flock.....
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thx weco, hearing your thoughts on my cobcerns puts my mind at ease. they do have pkenty of safe wood chew toys and perches which once again need replacing, but i gyess tgey prefer to redecorate. thats not the only redocorating they have done but it is tge most noticible and worst. they are all easy fixes. as long as i can match the paint it will be unnoticible.

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