Tummy up birdie?


Dec 22, 2013
Charlie the birdie, yellow naped amazon and little bird, a monk parrot , and Polly -yellow crowned amazon
Charlie and I play together a lot and Charlie will let me do just about anything with him, because he trusts me and I play gently. Most people, even other bird people, are amazed that Charlie lets me flip him over and lay him feet up on my lap or the bed or the couch. He has always done this since the first week I met him. It was one of the reasons why they gave him to me. Is this an unusual or harmful thing for us to do. Charlie seems to enjoy it and I tickle his tummy and play with his little birdie feet. I never hold him down or make him do it but it is play game for us. He likes it when I am doing laundry and give him the plastic hangers to gnaw on and he will roll his silly self over with them and just paw and bite and squawk. I think he is adorable. Is it harmful for him? Any thoughts?
I do the same thing with my yellow nape. The past few months if I bring her on the bed she will roll onto her back and wrestle with my hands. She especially likes if I put a blanket over her and wrestle through the blanket. I can pick her up from this position and she will hang upside down, then I can flip her back over and she pins like crazy. She makes it very obvious that she's playing and she gets very animated with her feet and beak. You know your bird, and if he's having fun with you and you're not forcing him into this position I don't see any reason to stop. You'd know if he was upset!
No, that behavior is very normal. My 45 year old hen nape will pop over in a second. She loves to play on her back. That's when you need to watch out for the Amazon overload.
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I am ALWAYS watching for the Amazon overload, because I like keeping my fingers! :)

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