Trouble weaning peach-fronted conure


New member
Nov 16, 2011
My peach-fronted conure is now almost five months old, and refuses to eat anything other than her formula. She also seems to a bit "off" to me (compared to my other birds), I don't know how else to describe it other than something's not quite right; she's a bit unbalanced, falls often, and is constantly honking. I've taken her to a vet, who ran all kinds of different tests only to tell me what I already know: she needs to come off of the formula. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.
What are you using as a weaning food & how many formula feeds is she getting a day.
Is her wings clipped or can she fly. My first thoughts is a calcium deficency.

If you are offering to many formula feeds of course she won't try other foods. But i will wait for you reply to be able to assist you better.
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Hi Pedro,
I feed her about twice each day now. I went down to one feeding at one point, but the vet told me that it's best to feed her when she's hungry, and let her decide when she's ready to stop the formula. I've given her pellets (dry, and I also tried adding some warm water to soften them), fruit, Millet - which she will eat, vegetables, and some of the Lafeber's nutri-meals/ balls that my other birds eat.
Yes, her wings are clipped. I have been adding some calcium drops to her water, but I'm not sure that she's drinking very much.
OK well she really should be weaned at 5 months. I wean my birds on a sprouted seed mix along with a small amount of small parrot seed, pellets & fruit & veggies chopped into small cubes.

She shouldn't really need calcium but if her parents were not given any she could have a problem. Just thinking out loud & wondering why she should be so unbalanced. Have you seen an Avian Vet or just a normal Vet.

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