Triton Cockatoo Available

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Dec 9, 2014
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I found a sweet female triton cockatoo a few years ago. We tried finding her owners and no one ever claimed her. All of the "kids"in my family have now grown and moved away and she's too much for my elderly mother to care for as she is somewhat needy and wants attention all the time. She's so sweet and loving but as most cockatoos are, she requires a lot of attention. We are located in Southern California and are offering her up to a good honest loving home with all her cages, toys food etc. We need to know se will be cared for and loved. :white1:
Where are u located? My mom eants it:)

I am sorry for your recent loss, however, how can you be sure that this cockatoo is a good match for your mother?

Please, there are many rescues out there. Take your mother to one (or more) and have a bird choose HER, rather than looking for a free parrot on this forum. :)

A parrot should be a lifetime commitment, they can be loud and messy, so please do your research before bringing one home.
I am very sry for her loss, however a Triton cockatoo, or any parrot would be a HUGE responsibility for someone who is inexperienced with parrots and their care. Even my lil parrotlet can be a handful, and she is tiny only 30 grams. It's constant care and clean up. Get her a cat or even a small dog or as suggested take your mom to a bird rescue so you both can get a birds eye view of what some of these poor creatures have had to endure at the hands of inexperienced, and even some very well meaning people. Bird ownership is not easy. You can not just put them in a cage and look at them. They are not as independent as a cat or even a dog and depend on us for everything. There are no sick days either.
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Hi, I am highly interested in adopting your cockatoo. I live in SoCal too. I also have experience with parrots and other birds. Personally, I've owned Amazons, conures, keets, and doves. Your cockatoo would have all the attention in the world since me and my family are all bird lovers.
The OP hasn't been back online since posting this thread. closed. :D
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