Trip to a new vet - my anxiety level is rising


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2017
Washington State
Baby - Sun Conure;
Tango - GCC;
Bindi - Sun Conure;
Stanley - Pineapple GCC;
Screamer “Scree� - Cockatiel;
Tee - Pineapple GCC; Jimmy - Cockatiel
I’m feeling super anxious today, and had to say this somewhere where people will understand why.

Baby (one of my suns) hasn’t been eating as well as usual for a couple of days and I’ve been monitoring really closely. She seems to be okay overall, but she’s lost a couple of grams in the last 2 days and I’m starting to worry about it. This is compounded by the fact that I have to leave town next week to take care of my dad, who just had surgery. Baby’s regular vet isn’t available until after I leave town, so I’m got an appt this afternoon with an avian vet an hour away (that my vet recommended I try to get her in to see). I’m leaving my flock in the care of my husband while I am away (he will take care of them, but is not close to them), and it worries me that something may go wrong.

Ack....I hope I’m worrying for nothing and that all goes well at the vet, but jeez they make us worry as much as any other family member :(
Cytrynka just screamed to my ear that your Baby will be OK, but it's good you'll do an AV check up on her.
It is always important to remember that our anxieties are picked-up quickly by our Companion Parrots. And, like a mirror, they can reflect that back at us.

I am not saying that your Parrot is not ill, but that it does not help for you to be anxious about the Vet visit and your leaving to care for your father, which also is adding to all of this. You need to Decompress for everyone and especially, you!!!

Remember that there are wonderful technologies that allow you to be heard and seen by your flock. If you have a Smart phone and/or laptop, you can be fully connected with your flock.

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Look at it this way: you are creating a relationship with a second vet, who will then know you and your bird in case something happens and your regular vet isn't available. You're setting up a lifeline. You should feel MORE secure now, having more docs on your side! And the birds are more resilient that we can know ... if you are calm, they will take their cues from you. Good for you for catching this early.
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Many thanks for the positive vibes! I was calm and she was calm - I mostly have panic attacks when I am away from the birds :).

She traveled great and was pretty well behaved at the vet. When we got home she ate a little bit, so now we get to wait for the lab results. The vet had some concerns about possible fatty liver, as she was on an all seed diet before coming to me. I’ll see what the labs say and go from there. I wasn’t super impressed with the vet, it didn’t feel like she was very knowledgeable. But she didn’t scare the feathers off of Baby, and I feel better having the lab work in progress. Hopefully I get news soon.
Remain calm until you know lab results. No point in getting both you and Baby upset. Good on you though for noticing the small differences.
Glad Baby was a good traveler, hopefully the labs will return bearing good news, or at least nothing traumatic. Of course that is when you depend on the vet to complete an accurate diagnosis.
Pat yourself on the back for excellent parronting! Your sense of urgency and vigilance is commendable. I'm sure everything will be fine. Sending you and Baby warm thoughts.

PS. From what I've read, sun conures are not prone to fatty liver disease. Seems strange that the AV jumped straight to that conclusion without any bloodwork results, and only going by Baby's previous diet. I don't mean to diminish your confidence in your AV. I'm just saying, perhaps it's nothing serious like FLD. Hoping for the best results regardless. I'm sure all will be well.
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I agree - I’m waiting for results before jumping to conclusions. I didn’t have much confidence in this vet and will be asking for results to be sent to her usual CAV for a look over. I’m hoping that it is nothing too exciting and that she’s just been having a few days of cruddy appetite. She normally loves food, so it’s easy to spot when she’s not eating. My regular vet has her on a wait list in case she has an opening. I’ll feel better leaving town if I know that she’s all good :)
At least the Avian Vet that you went to decided to do blood work, that's usually half the battle with "Exotics" Vets and even some "Avian specialists", they take a look at the bird and diagnose them on the spot without running a single diagnostic test...So in that respect the vet did well...Did they take a Fecal Culture as well? A lot of the time a GI Tract infection, either bacterial or fungal (yeast) is the cause of them losing their appetites suddenly...Not that it couldn't be FLD, but since Baby just started to lose her appetite suddenly, I would worry about an Acute Illness rather than a Chronic one...

The blood work should show signs of an infection in the blood cell counts, so that's good. I'm sure Baby will be fine, the hardest part is usually just getting the issue properly diagnosed. Blood Work is a good place to start.
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Ellen - you nailed it, and that is exactly why I felt like she wasn’t knowledgeable. It didn’t sound like she was planning to run any tests at all, she just looked Baby over and felt like she was in decent health. I made a pointed request for blood work, which is why it got done. I asked about the fecal, and she said we didn’t need one so it didn’t get done. I gave her fruity Zupreem pellets this morning (which she loves) and she’s eaten a few. I’ll just keep bribing her to eat until I hear back from the vet.
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Got Baby in to see her regular vet today, took the results of the blood work that was done last week with me. She is eating again and her vet felt that the blood levels were fine. I brought Tango in as well, so that he could also get a look over - since they share a cage. Everyone is apparently in good health, so we got nails done and beak tips blunted a bit while we were there. Whew, I feel better knowing the birbs are okay before I leave town in the morning. Will get Bindi and Screamer in for their well visits sometime after I get back.
Great news!

We're all relieved.

Well, except for the Rickeybird, who thinks vets are demons!

But seriously, I'm so glad for you!
Thanks for that update and wonderful news!

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