traveling with your ekkie


New member
Mar 12, 2015
I have a 6 month old female Eclectus named Lucy
Anyone ever travel with their ekkie? We will be going out of town for about 5 days during Christmas and I cannot decide whether to take her or leave her home with my mom. She's never traveled much, but is definitely a mama's girl haha. So part of me things she'd be better off going with me but part of me thinks she'd be better off staying in a familiar environment. Thoughts?
I've traveled with my ekkies. Nothing crazy. Just around 2-3 hours away for an overnight trip at the longest. Not that I wouldn't go farther, I've just never had an occasion where taking them farther has been an option.

As for your particular situation, it really depends. There are so many factors. Is your ekkie used to traveling in a car at all? (I'm assuming we're talking car travel, here.) How long is the drive? Will she get out time at her vacation destination?

If she's not used to driving about in a car, you can start taking her on shorter trips around your town. You know, to get her acclimated to the experience. Some birds, like Bixby and Maya, take to it like it's the most natural thing in the world. Others, like Jolly, really need to be acclimated. (He used to freak out and attempt to dodge every tree that he saw! Hahaha! It just never occurred to him that WE were the ones who were moving, not the trees that were hurtling our way. Poor thing. Lol)

If she gets freaked out on the trial runs, you may need more acclimation time than you have. But if she's copacetic, she just might be ready for a holiday trip.
I've traveled with Jasper a few times! (I guess his first trip was when he was flown here from out West when I first got him)

But car trips back to Ottawa - so minimum 3 hours in the car. I used to use the pet carrier he came in, then I invested in a pak-o-bird and he's much happier. He either screams part of the way or talks and whistles :p

I keep an identical cage at my parent's to what he has at my apartment so his housing arrangement once we get there is no different. (First cage came banged up so they re-sent me a cage, so luckily between the two I ended up getting 2 cages and my dad fixed up the other one) But I also have a tiny white cage that I use if we're going even further than home to my grandmother's. He's content playing on top of it until we have to put him inside.

If I can bring Jasper with me, I'll do it :) He's my best buddy.
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I'd take her with if you can and if you think she has a resilient personality. I think I'll be taking both of mine next year to the shore house so I don't have to worry about what they're being fed, if they're being talked to enough, if they're getting time away from their cage, etc.

I have a celltei travel carrier and I really like it. Still need to figure out travel cage for destination.
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She does do well on small trips around town so I think maybe I'll take her with me. My mom is happy to care for her while I'm gone, but I think she'd rather be with me. She has a travel carrier and have an extra large cage I could take for the destination. She will get time out of the cage, my mother in law really loves her so she will be fine I think. I think she needs to stay with her mommy for Christmas. �� Thanks for the input, I appreciate it!
Make sure to give an update... and post some pics!
I think it's a great choice! :) I just thought of something....don't give her a ton of food before you go. I made that mistake last year giving Jasper his dinner early b/c I didn't want him to starve. He ended up getting sick all through his carrier on the way there :( I felt so terrible.

Just a little snack and some food in the carrier if there's room for it.
We have a travel trailer and always take Montego and Winston with us. They travel in cages on the back seat of my truck quite well. Winston loves to ride and lets us know vocally. Montego is not as enthusiastic. We found it is much better to travel with them than leaving with a friend, no matter how well they're taken care of. They are both pickers and being away from us exacerbates the problem.
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Thanks guys! We are on our way, I'll let you know how it goes!
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She did great! I'll post some pics soon. She traveled well in the car for the most part. Some squawking but I think it was mainly happy squawking and it wasn't very much. She was a bit clingy the first day, wanted me to hold her constantly, but after that, she settled in and it was business as usual!

We are going to Ireland for 10 days in May, and I am worried about leaving her! It will be the first time we've ever left her for more than a day or two. My mom always is willing to take care of her and does love her, but is slightly scared of her (she bit her once, so now mom is scared of her), so I am unsure of how much outside cage time she will get. I know mom will give her all of the foods I want her to and will try, but it won't be he same as having me or her "daddy" there. Alas, it's only for 10 days and hopefully she won't be too traumatized by our absence. :(
I suggested this before and I really think it would benefit both your bird and your mother. Have her open the cage doors and let Lucy come out on her own. Have toys on top so she can play there. When it's time to go back inside, a treat should lure her in.

This way your mom doesn't have to handle her if she's scared, and Lucy still gets some out of cage time.

Jasper thoroughly enjoys playing inside/outside his cage. When I come home from work the cage is completely open until bedtime (I obviously take him off but he enjoys playing inside/out)

Hope that helps :)
She did great! I'll post some pics soon. She traveled well in the car for the most part. Some squawking but I think it was mainly happy squawking and it wasn't very much. She was a bit clingy the first day, wanted me to hold her constantly, but after that, she settled in and it was business as usual!

Parkers the same way. He makes happy whistles and talks for about the first 10 minutes. After that he quiets down.

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