Traveling with the brood


New member
Sep 20, 2011
Ravenna, Ohio
A sun conure, budgie. Miss my cockatiel Sam. See you someday I hope Sam! And my little girl Sky a budgie that passed away in 2007 Thunder my budgie passed away too last September. Miss you little budd
We just got back from our first local camping trip in our new RV. We took all three birds (sun conure, a cockatiel, and budgie) with us! They rode in the truck with us to the campsite, about 10 miles away. I think it took a couple days for them to settle in there but they did great! They sure are happy to be back home though! lol

When securing them in the truck we use their travel cages and the seat belts. What way do you secure them for travel? Is there something else besides using just the seatbelts I should get? The seat belts fit around the bottom half of the cages but I want to make sure they are more secure in the truck for travel.
Good for you, for including the whole family on your vacation.

I've been through a lot of designs of securing cages in our minivan. Now, I just set the cage on the left middle seat, put the lap part of the belt around the base, and the shoulder part behind the seat. It's plenty secure, and ready to take the birds anywhere on short notice.

I just updated this thread in General Parrot Info.
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That is what we did too. The lap part has to go behind the cages unfortunately but the base is secure as it can be I guess.

I think they needed the break from norm too! :)

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