

New member
Aug 14, 2012
Hey guys n gals back again. My 6 month old B&G finally came home the other day =). He has been acting ok but have some concerns, he totally does not let my father pet him but will let him pick him up. (yes still live at home with the rents). Anyway he will lunge at him and open that beak real wide. Was wondering what the best training book for macaws is? Was wondering if anyone had titles and where to get them, a full behavior changes to doing tricks book. Want my buddy to be nice to everyone and not be biting.
Thanks in advance
You have to give your bird time to settle down, get used to the new enviroment.
Remember everything is new to the bird.
So many new faces, and voices to get used to.
It could take a bird, weeks even months to begin trusting a human.

Below is a most remarkable link, pertaining to bringing home a baby Macaw

That Cute Baby Macaw: What You Need to Know
Yes i agree with what antoinette said !
You just have to give him time to understand your father isn't going to hurt him! Everything is completely new to him
Fargo will fly and step up to people, but if they try and touch him, he is not happy, only i can touch him as he trusts me fully... but slowly my mum and him are becoming friends and he SOMETIMES lets her touch him, and he has known her for almost 3 months :)

Just be patient, and get your dad to feed him treats and show that he is a friend :)
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That's what I thought I just wanted to check so thanks for reassuring me lol. Brought him home the first night and he didn't even like me for a couple of hours, I will check out that think though
Thanks again!:D
That's what I thought I just wanted to check so thanks for reassuring me lol. Brought him home the first night and he didn't even like me for a couple of hours, I will check out that think though
Thanks again!:D

Birds are exactly the same as us humans.
When meeting someone for the first time, we are weary.
Imagine kissing and hugging them, we would definitely not.
As time goes by, your bird will settle down and begin opening up.

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