training to quit biting


New member
Aug 24, 2011
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I want my bird crackers to quit biting me when i try to get him to stand on my finger. i've tried keeping my hand in the cage, and talking to him, he wont listen.
any suggestions?
Is he biting aggressively, or just using his beak to stabilize while he gets on your finger? I've had friends say that Puck was "biting" when was doing that, even though it didn't hurt. Their beak is like a hand to them.

If your bird isn't comfortable enough to step up, spend time with him, and let him get comfortable with you, without expecting him to step up. Be patient. Birds are smart. They need their boundaries respected as much, if not more than we do.
Sorry but parrots/birds have a fight or flight instinct wherem they bite or take off when in danger And since their only way of defense is biting or flapping their wings right on your face; they will keep biting.
But you can train him to not bite on command by clicker or something else these bird brains will suggest.
Only time your hands are in the cage is when your bird is not. Bird will learn cage possessiveness otherwise.

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