I trained Fargo right at the beginning, and we did tricks at the same time, he learnt how to turn around and shake hands, then he was learning hi-5 and wave..
I cant remember exactly when i did it all, it was a year ago haha
But i know he was learning different things at different times! Especially if the tricks are very different, so i may have been teaching him to hold his wings up, and at the same time teaching him to walk through a tunnel on the floor! So they were not similar so he wouldn't get confused
If the trick is easy, and only takes a little bit to perform it, then you can mix it up, but if they are confused then just go back to the simple trick they already know!
The harder the trick, the more you stay focused on that one!
Like Shelly said, when we do a training session, we always go through every trick Fargo knows, and then we will do a few tries of learning a new trick..
ALWAYS end on a positive note... So stop your training when you know Parker is going to get bored soon!
Set a goal for the session, for example, when i was teaching Fargo to somersault, i said, i will help him flip over 10 times, and thats it for today...
The next day i said i will help him flip 5 times, and then wait for him to TRY do it himself, and as soon as he tries and puts his head between his legs, he would get a big reward, and we would finish for the day!
That is just how Fargo trains, Parker might not like learning different tricks at once, so just start with one! Just see what works best for you both