Tonight's Dinner


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2011
Blue & Gold Macaw (Titan) & Yellow Naped Amazon (Kelly)
First Part - Kale, sprouts, green pepper, yellow squash

Second Part - Crazy Corn Noodles and Nuts

Third Part - Two Kinds of Homemade Avicakes: 1st Type Veggie 2nd Type Anise

Dinner for Everyone!

Mali Enjoying and Hating Me

Merlin the Current Foster


And Kelly of Course
Looks great !!!
That meal looks great! And I love the pics of the birds enjoying it. That first pic of Mali is hilarious! That eye looks like it could burn right through you! Hahaha!
I might have to bring my birds by for dinner sometime. :p
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They are spoiled birds that's for sure....they get fresh food and I got to microwave my dinner...

And yep Mali hates everyone but my stepfather hahaha He really hates my mother and tries to swing through the feeding door when she does food and water to bite her. He hangs upside down near the door and waits for her to open it...such an evil little brat. Kelly has been even worse lately with hating on other people (hormonal lately). He makes Mali look like a sweetheart right now:eek:

Bring mine toys when yours come over for dinner:p
They are spoiled birds that's for sure....they get fresh food and I got to microwave my dinner...

Bring mine toys when yours come over for dinner:p

NO KIDDING. I'll eat ramen or something while chopping up veggies, fruit and cooking some grains on the stove! Though I do sneak a few bites while I'm cooking.

And I might take you up on that offer! Might start on some toys!
They are spoiled birds that's for sure....they get fresh food and I got to microwave my dinner...

Bring mine toys when yours come over for dinner[emoji14]

NO KIDDING. I'll eat ramen or something while chopping up veggies, fruit and cooking some grains on the stove! Though I do sneak a few bites while I'm cooking.

And I might take you up on that offer! Might start on some toys!
LOL I've done this many times! My bird is eating fresh veggies, grains, legumes, fresh sprouts, fruits etc, and I've got a frozen dinner in the microwave. My family and friends comment how my bird eats better than me. Priorities lol [emoji12]
Looks wonderful! I love the pics of them eating their food, so adorable!! Where did you get the avicakes recipe? Would love to have it!
They are spoiled birds that's for sure....they get fresh food and I got to microwave my dinner...

Bring mine toys when yours come over for dinner[emoji14]

NO KIDDING. I'll eat ramen or something while chopping up veggies, fruit and cooking some grains on the stove! Though I do sneak a few bites while I'm cooking.

And I might take you up on that offer! Might start on some toys!
LOL I've done this many times! My bird is eating fresh veggies, grains, legumes, fresh sprouts, fruits etc, and I've got a frozen dinner in the microwave. My family and friends comment how my bird eats better than me. Priorities lol [emoji12]

This is what I did tonight! Usually I'll be cooking for the birds and sneaking bites for myself! I always think it's so easy to cook for the birds, but what the heck do I want to eat?

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