Tomorrow's the day!


New member
Dec 23, 2011
British Columbia, Canada
Pixel: female senegal, hatched Dec 15, 2011
Tomorrow's the day I finally get my senegal. I'm so excited, I know its only a day longer, but I'm not sure I'll make it.

It's a girl; took a while to find out. There was a bit of a delay with the DNA results. I'm debating between the name Pixel and Stitch (I know, neither are really original lol).

She sould be home at about 6 pm tomorrow. And yes, there will be pictures as soon as possible haha.
Grats :) I know well the feeling, Friday seems like an eternity away for me! I am looking forward to your pics and hope everything goes as planned for you :)
I quite like the name Pixel, but both are lovely!

Pictures, pictures pictures!

I bet you just feel like your heart is about to stop from all the excitement. What time are you picking her up tomorrow?
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I quite like the name Pixel, but both are lovely!

Pictures, pictures pictures!

I bet you just feel like your heart is about to stop from all the excitement. What time are you picking her up tomorrow?

Around 5:30 pm. Seven more hours. Wish I didn't have to work today, or I'd be able to pick her up sooner. And I wish even more that I didn't have to work tomorrow; so tempted to call in sick haha.
The day after we picked up Pepper I got somebody to take my shift at work lol.
Call in sick! Do it! It's just one day ;)

Excited for you, I'm excited to see pictures!
Congrats on your new baby coming home. By the way, I like the name Stitch better especially for a senegal because they can leave you in stitches eith their antics and when they get that mischief streak in them and decide they want to bite you.
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She's here! It feels so surreal. Poor little girl is obviously tired though. The hour long drive was not much fun for her. She's taking a well deserved nap right now, and I'm trying my best to give her some space. It's hard though. Not sure I'll survive work tomorrow.

Hopefully I can get some pictures tomorrow, but for now I'm not going to bother her with my big, bulky camera.

I feel so excited but so nervous. I've spent so long preparing, and I know I'm about as ready as I'll ever be... but I keep wondering if I could be more ready. Now I'm babbling. Heh. :eek:
So happy for you and Stitch :). I look forward to your pictures once she settles in some :)
Congratulations !! Enjoy your new baby :)
Congratulations on your new baby! Hopefully she will settle in quickly and start exploring her cage. Leave some quiet music on while you are at work. It always seems to soothe my birds. At least a little bit.

If she is anything like my Senegal, watch out for hopping onto the floor. Sidney is clipped so he jumps down and zips across the floor to me when he wants attention. Not too happy with the idea of him running around there if i don't see him jump so I keep a close eye when I see him hanging out near the seed catchers on the cage. Fortunately he almost always makes a loud microwave "BEEP!" when he hits the floor so I know he is on runabout.

Oh, and if she gets anywhere near your computer keyboard keep in mind that those beaks are perfect for prying keys off. Sid is fast doing that. One moment he is on my shoulder and it seems half a second later I'm prying a key out of his beak. Lately he has started to take a running leap and grab. Persistent and inventive little fella. Keep telling myself "patience, patience, patience" in such moments! :rolleyes:

And if you have glasses know that they are going to be a beak magnet. It took me weeks to convince Sid not to grab them but I'm still cautious and he still will occasionally make a grab for them. I'm waiting to get a new subscription and glasses until I'm fairly sure he is going to (mostly) leave them alone.

Looking forward to hearing about your experiences. Just remember patience, patience, patience! :)
Congratulations on your new baby! Hopefully she will settle in quickly and start exploring her cage. Leave some quiet music on while you are at work. It always seems to soothe my birds. At least a little bit.

If she is anything like my Senegal, watch out for hopping onto the floor. Sidney is clipped so he jumps down and zips across the floor to me when he wants attention. Not too happy with the idea of him running around there if i don't see him jump so I keep a close eye when I see him hanging out near the seed catchers on the cage. Fortunately he almost always makes a loud microwave "BEEP!" when he hits the floor so I know he is on runabout.

Oh, and if she gets anywhere near your computer keyboard keep in mind that those beaks are perfect for prying keys off. Sid is fast doing that. One moment he is on my shoulder and it seems half a second later I'm prying a key out of his beak. Lately he has started to take a running leap and grab. Persistent and inventive little fella. Keep telling myself "patience, patience, patience" in such moments! :rolleyes:

And if you have glasses know that they are going to be a beak magnet. It took me weeks to convince Sid not to grab them but I'm still cautious and he still will occasionally make a grab for them. I'm waiting to get a new subscription and glasses until I'm fairly sure he is going to (mostly) leave them alone.

Looking forward to hearing about your experiences. Just remember patience, patience, patience! :)

I love your stories :) The "beep" before going on a runabout is so cute :) It's so funny how we get to know their personalities and what they decide is a "marker" to what they will do next.
I knew a snnie that did the micro then would fly onto his mommas shoulder . And yes , your keyboard will be keyless in a second if you dont watch the little bugger,lolol. I am so debating on getting a smaller parrot. But the choices are endless :)
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She's in a much better mood this morning. She's already eaten, spent some time attacking her toys, and is chattering away right now. If only she knew she had a vet appointment later today.
She's in a much better mood this morning. She's already eaten, spent some time attacking her toys, and is chattering away right now. If only she knew she had a vet appointment later today.

Yeah ,its all fun and games until its time to go into the exam room , lolol.
Glad to hear everything is well :) Enjoy :D
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Well, the vet appointment went well. I still need to wait on lab results of course I was quite happy with the veterinarian; I think I'll make a habit of seeing her.

I'm still stuck on a name for her. But she made so much progress today! She's started stepping on my hand without hesitation (before she was running the other way). I had to get her out with a dowel, and do a few practice step-ups using a second dowel, but after a little while she started stepping up on my hand without any issue.

And tonight, she even let me give her a few skritches. She nearly fell asleep in my hand, so I put her to bed right after, figured I should end the day on a good note. She's contently grinding her beak from her cage and seems much happier than last night.

My only minor concern is that she was food begging (and was clearly unimpressed when I failed to feed her). She's been eating very well, mind you, but I think she might appreciate it if I made a warm mash and spoon fed her. The breeder said she's been eating on her own for a week. But I'm sure warm food would still be very comforting for her.

I'm looking forward to the weekend. And pictures tomorrow I swear haha. I just don't want to overwhelm her (my camera is quite big and scary; its an SLR).
It sounds like you have made a good start. Next time she decides to get sleepy on you let her stay for a while. The beak grinding is a contented bird winding down the day. It is a good bonding experience if you sit together and make quiet noises.

Other than a flash popping off, I would not be too concerned about the camera. There is a good chance that she will see it as a new toy and want to chew on it.

I don't know if it is a trait of the species but Sidney is not afraid of anything. And before him, my previous senegal Kelly was the same way. Sid comes to investigate and chew on anything new that he sees in my hand. The problem is that if it is something I want him to play with, his attention span is about 30 seconds. If it is something I don't, he is right on it. His rule is the more expensive it is the more he wants to chew on it. Be careful with the camera, it might get beak marks on it!

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