Tips, tricks, or whatever suggestions you have


New member
May 15, 2016
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Texas, by way of New Jersey
Shades: African Grey Congo Male, hatched June 20, 2016
Hi everyone,

I know it's only been 13 days, but Shades still isn't stepping up unless he finds his way to the floor. He will bite/gnaw at our fingers, but not as if he is being aggressive. He has no problem with letting us touch him and give him head scratches or neck rubs. In fact, when asked to step up, he just lowers his head to be scratched. It's actually pretty cute, but counterproductive.

Ok, so what do you suggest I try. I ordered some Kaytee sunflower seeds to use as treats, but they haven't arrived yet. I cannot entice him with nuts because my son is allergic. I'm willing to try anything, so throw out your tips as they come to mind.

Thanks so much,

MY Smokey was NOT a hands birdie :o But she was wild caught and I attribute her hate of hands from that.
In the years she was with me,she eventually would get on my hand,only if that was her last recourse,all the while telling me what a good girl she was.

I would have to chase her,untill she was cornered,then she would step up, but as soon as she saw a way out, flapflapflap she'd go,to get off my hand.
She wasn't a touchy skritch me pet me bird either, but she had a million super qualities.
IF she did get on my hand,she would then sit on my shoulder,gurgle in my ear,bang her beaky on my forehead,pull on my hair,regurgitate on my shoulder :eek: She loved me and I knew it and I accepted her for who she was.

Well, as usual, I am the voice of chaos. I always offer the Rbird a perch before my hand. If he bites the perch, that means he isn't interested and the discussion ends there. Unless it's vet time, then we battle it out. He gets petted when he wants and flies away when he doesn't. I know some here have some wonderful step-up training techniques. I do wish you luck, but in the meantime, please feel no shame if you just give in.
I used to have to pick the 'zon up from in back of his legs in the beginning. He would be surprised, and step up onto the arm, and once he was up he took responsibility for his actions and didn't try to bite.
He is warming up. I'm hoping in the coming weeks, he'll relax a little more and trust us too. He's very sweet, though. He reacts when he sees me, so I'm taking that as a sign that he likes me. :-D
Try to associate your hands with good things, and things he doesn't fear or doesn't attack.

I heard someone say once that putting your hands by your face helps sometimes.
Banana chips is the way to Nemos (my CAG) heart. He'll literally do anything to get banana chips. So I break them up and give them as little treats during training. I found getting a click trainer helped, but I'm still not very good at using it. But the way I started was just giving him a treat and click.. Then hold my hand near so he got used to my hand being there. Then I would slowly move the banana chip chip (is that banana chip squared?) further and further away so that he would have to step up to get to the treat. Once that was established I could start training actual step up commands. TBH he's still pretty bad at stepping up on cue, but prefers to spin on the perch to get treats. I don't know if I was writing what you already know.. but that was how I did it :D! So it helps to find out what treats he really wants.. again.. Nemo isn't that interested in nuts, so that wouldn't help.
It's just a time thing with greys. Patience and consistency will win him over. Excited to get the good reports that the future brings!
Banana chips is the way to Nemos (my CAG) heart. He'll literally do anything to get banana chips. So I break them up and give them as little treats during training. I found getting a click trainer helped, but I'm still not very good at using it. But the way I started was just giving him a treat and click.. Then hold my hand near so he got used to my hand being there. Then I would slowly move the banana chip chip (is that banana chip squared?) further and further away so that he would have to step up to get to the treat. Once that was established I could start training actual step up commands. TBH he's still pretty bad at stepping up on cue, but prefers to spin on the perch to get treats. I don't know if I was writing what you already know.. but that was how I did it :D! So it helps to find out what treats he really wants.. again.. Nemo isn't that interested in nuts, so that wouldn't help.

Clicker Training rocks this house. I use pine nut and sunflower seed crumbles as treats. I gave up trying to coordinate holding a clicker, target stick and a treat because I am clutzy and I don't have a clicker permanently attached to my body. I use a mouth click it works fantastic and my tongue is always ready to click. I generally keep treats in my pocket to reward any behavior that I want to encourage, so anytime Tsali does something I want to encourage I do my click and pull a random treat from my pocket. Note to self.... take treats out of pants pocket prior to washing. :eek:.

Tsali is pretty good at stepping up - since stepping up is a very important behavior he gets clicked and treated a LOT for stepping up.
Banana chips is the way to Nemos (my CAG) heart. He'll literally do anything to get banana chips. So I break them up and give them as little treats during training. I found getting a click trainer helped, but I'm still not very good at using it. But the way I started was just giving him a treat and click.. Then hold my hand near so he got used to my hand being there. Then I would slowly move the banana chip chip (is that banana chip squared?) further and further away so that he would have to step up to get to the treat. Once that was established I could start training actual step up commands. TBH he's still pretty bad at stepping up on cue, but prefers to spin on the perch to get treats. I don't know if I was writing what you already know.. but that was how I did it :D! So it helps to find out what treats he really wants.. again.. Nemo isn't that interested in nuts, so that wouldn't help.
Perjo loves bananas, and dried banana chips. She sees the unpeeled banana from across the house and start making her way to the door of the cage instantly. I think we would try to eat a whole banana if I let her alone with it.
Banana chips is the way to Nemos (my CAG) heart. He'll literally do anything to get banana chips. So I break them up and give them as little treats during training. I found getting a click trainer helped, but I'm still not very good at using it. But the way I started was just giving him a treat and click.. Then hold my hand near so he got used to my hand being there. Then I would slowly move the banana chip chip (is that banana chip squared?) further and further away so that he would have to step up to get to the treat. Once that was established I could start training actual step up commands. TBH he's still pretty bad at stepping up on cue, but prefers to spin on the perch to get treats. I don't know if I was writing what you already know.. but that was how I did it :D! So it helps to find out what treats he really wants.. again.. Nemo isn't that interested in nuts, so that wouldn't help.

Clicker Training rocks this house. I use pine nut and sunflower seed crumbles as treats. I gave up trying to coordinate holding a clicker, target stick and a treat because I am clutzy and I don't have a clicker permanently attached to my body. I use a mouth click it works fantastic and my tongue is always ready to click. I generally keep treats in my pocket to reward any behavior that I want to encourage, so anytime Tsali does something I want to encourage I do my click and pull a random treat from my pocket. Note to self.... take treats out of pants pocket prior to washing. :eek:.

Tsali is pretty good at stepping up - since stepping up is a very important behavior he gets clicked and treated a LOT for stepping up.

I second clicker training. Absolutely love the concept and it allows me to better communicate with my amazon. Lets him know that the exact behavior is what i'm looking for and then once they know that behavior is something good then he constantly does it trying to get treats.
It is indeed very cool when you see that they understand what you're trying to tell them.. awesome when it starts working!! Currently I'm trying to get Nemo to tell the difference between colours.. I really want to see if I can get it right.. but it takes a long time!! And unfortunately I don't get to click train as often as I would like. Btw.. click training can also be used to help with overcoming fear. Nemo was ridiculously afraid of a perch I have for a set of scales I use to weigh my birdies.. and for some reason he HATED it and would hiss and everything.. but click training with the protocol I mentioned above worked wonders! I still can't put him on to the scales, but he'll happily sit on the perch now as long as it is accompanied by a banana chip ;)! Work in progress.. so don't worry too much if it takes some time.. like with people there are tasks that are easier for some individual parrots than others.. and you may find that he'll pick other "commands" up much easier than others.. thats just brain network for you ;)!
Another testament to patience, Perjo at 3 mos hated baths, but I kept at it outside. Now at 11 mos she whistles to me when I stop showering her with the hose. So Ispray her more, when I stop he whistles again and she has a specific whistle to say "hey I'll tell you when to stop".

Stick with it.
Thanks everyone for chiming in. The key point...PATIENCE! He actually stepped up today, but I think it was because he wanted out of his cage, which I'd moved into my bedroom to change his scenery. I didn't have to beg, he just stepped up. Of course I was super excited, but his compliance was short lived. Ha ha! It's okay. I know he knows how to step up, because he doesn't hesitate to step up when he's on the floor. He simply doesn't want to, maybe? Either way, I'm going to keep trying, and asking for you all's help on those days when I find myself feeling like a failure. But for now, we're all happy. He's in his cage as I type this whistiling away. I think he looking for his voice. ;-)

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