I've had Bandit for 7 days and he's such a joy to have around. He's 8 years old and his previous owner had him as an aviary bird for breeding but Bandit wasn't interested in breeding. The previous owner had him a year and he could go into the aviary and have Bandit sit on his hand and be petted and when we picked Bandit up he was bowing his head to his owner for scratches. Since I've had Bandit he's been getting used to us and within the week we've had him I've been able to pass him food through the cage and feed him millets in the cage but whenever I try to pet him he often bites. I've been bitten once by him but that was mainly because he let me pet him for a short time and I think he wanted me to stop. But today when I got home from school he was excited to see me and when I went up to his cage and placed my hand up to move my hair out the way, he went to bow his head but sorted of hesitated but let me pet him for longer than I did before. He tried to bite me the second time I went to pet him but these seem like good signs. I was just wondering if anyone could give me useful tips for getting him more used to me? I haven't tried teaching him to step up just yet since the cage door is at an awkward angle to his perch.