Tips on my New White Bellied Caique


New member
Dec 9, 2014
White Bellied Caique
Just brought home my first caique. He is awesome. What a little character already. I have one question. The Bird loves his seed mix and just constantly eats. I eventually want to switch him to a pelleted diet but i am going to wait till he settles in to start.

How much seed should i be giving him a day? Should i measure or just let him keep eating.

Any comments would be appreciated!
Peebs, congratulations. You will have so much fun. We are very recent new "parents" of a rehomed Caique and it's been a great experience learning to care for Sunny. We have done a lot of reading and have learned that this breed eats a lot throughout the day (because as you have experienced, they expend a lot of energy playing). What else - they should have high pellet/seed ratio, lots of variety of fruits and vegetables, and things that are high in vitamin A (dark green leafy and yellow vegetables). NO avocado. No junk food (obviously). Fresh water.

We're new to this, so perhaps others will have their additions or corrections...

I agree with Mike. Pellets and fruit/veg in the morning. High quality seed mix in the evening.

They all love soft mushy food, babies even more so. Wet veggies plus chopped fruit plus small quantities of seed will have them swimming in the food bowls lol

His breeder should also inform you what the baby's favourite food was before he left

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