I recently purchased a 2 yr old Blue Crown from a woman who said she had been the sole owner and had purchased him from a caring home breeder. She said she was told it was a male, but that someone else told her it was a female because of the size of its body. Anyway, just wondering if I'm doing the right things to try to tame him(?) and acclimate him to his new home. Since bringing him home about 5 days ago, he has been very noisy, nippy, and avoidant of us. I know this is not unusual for bringing a bird into a new home. He will take food from my fingers but will no even consider stepping up and will bit my fingers repeatedly when I put my hand near. I have been able to pet his beak gently for a few seconds at times without being bitten and have also been able to pet around his eye/top of head for a second or two without a bite. He gets extremely loud during certain times of the day and I have been covering his cage with a sheet when this happens and then uncovering a couple minutes later. I am able to lure him out of his cage to perch atop it for food, but he doesn't stay out long. We have a lot of his old toys in the cage and it is the same cage she raised him in. The screaming is driving my dog insane. Am I doing the right things? Should the screaming diminish at some point? She said he was a pretty quiet bird and she seemed sincere and caring. Is there anything else I could/should be doing? Any thoughts on when I might see some improvement in behavior? I know it is still VERY early. He acts the same way to my wife and children, so don't think it is a male/female thing, although at times he almost talks to her. He knows several phrases but does not say them here. Any thoughts/tips appreciated!