Tips for bringing conure home


New member
May 18, 2013
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Hi Everyone,

I have found a good breeder of hand reared conure's and was wondering the best way to approach bringing him home. When I brought my tiel home, he was an untame baby so kept him in his cage while he adjusted and I hand tamed him, however with these babies being hand reared do I just have the same slow, patient approach but restrict him to one room at first and let him out straight away. Any advice would be great.

Yes, it is usually wise to leave the bird in its cage while it takes in its new surroundings, but then each bird is unique with its own personality, so it might feel comfortable interacting right away. If the bird is to remain flighted, even though it has been hand reared, it's tendency is going to be that it will want to go to a high vantage's a natural tendency.

If you are going to clip the bird, & the breeder will do the clipping, ask to see one of their clipped birds before letting them clip your bird...while there may not be a problem with this breeders clipping, I have seen the results of a couple of breeders ideas of wing clips/butchering...I had to pull six flight feather stubs from a nanday that a neighbor purchased, because the feathers were clipped in such a manner that they irritated the bird & it was worrying with them too much.....improper clips can lead to feather plucking.....

Look at the recommended clips, on the internet, so that when you see the breeder's clipping example it will be easy to determine if it is an acceptable clip or not.....

Good luck with your new feathered friend.....

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