"tiny" the baby greencheek update


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Sun Conure (Clifford), two budgies (Odin and Diana), and CAG (Bongo)
Our little GCC baby has made it to day 14!!! He is soooo small, a lot smaller than the other babies, but he is getting much stronger. Thanks to all that are keeping him in your thoughts, heres an updated picture. still so little

I'm glad to hear he is still with us:) He does seem small and undeveloped for his age, but with the good care he is receiving he may be just fine. I had a horse born a month premature. He was well behind in his milestones during that first year, but he grew up completely normal. He turned out to be quite a looker, too, with better confirmation than his momma. He did have a very crooked leg, but a friend sent me a traveling race horse vet who was able to fix it. I was so happy about that!
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Here is a link to a video of Tiny and his siblings. I hate watching them, I worry that the biggers ones will smoosh him :-( But the breeder says it's better for him to be with them, they are just to much bigger :-( guess that's why I'm not a breeder....

He is such a little cutie!!!! I am glad he is doing good. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers and hope that he will continue to do well!!!
I'm glad he is doing better. One of the babies I am handfeeding looked just like him at 14 days because the parents weren't feeding her enough but I started handfeeding her and she is now 6 1/2 weeks old and is doing great, so I bet your baby will turn out just fine.
Don't worry I'm sure he will be just fine.;)
Here is a link to a video of Tiny and his siblings. I hate watching them, I worry that the biggers ones will smoosh him :-( But the breeder says it's better for him to be with them, they are just to much bigger :-( guess that's why I'm not a breeder....


Don't worry they won't squish him. I have 5 babies right now and they look like football players in a huddle! LOL. Always seem the smaller ones are at the bottom. However, they also have the least down feathers and the older babies keep the little guys warm. Heat is really important for the featherless babies.
What a beautiful healthy little baby.

I wish the cockatiels that were dropped off to me were as healthy as that little guy. If i pull them through it will be a miracle. 2 are about 5 days old & the other 2 are about 12 days. They are so skinny. Almost forgot 1 is about 5 weeks. What a chore it has been, I suspect it has thrush. Have been treating it with nilstat & so far it is responding.
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yes pedro, my thoughts are with them as well :) keep us updated

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