Time With Fids


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
I am curious as to how much one on one time people spend with their fids. Example, if I were to allow Venus, she'd be on my shoulder, in my plate, my cup, velcroe do to me for most of the day. I try to split and balance one on one time between Venus and Buddy. Venus gets more time because she will sit on my shoulder and nap while I'm working where Buddy is much more active wanting head scratches.
Zilla would be on me or at least with me 24/7/365 if I would let her. Sometimes she has way too much energy and just can't sit still and other times she just wants to snuggle in and nap under my hair on my shoulder.

Lucky for me she is also happy perching on top of her cage watching the world go by out the window. :D
Zilla would be on me or at least with me 24/7/365 if I would let her. :D

That would be both macaws.

Sally generally has a morning, and an evening greeting time that she insists on... but after about 15 minutes, she wants tree time and/or window time.

Tusk and Lila want to be in my proximity, and to be interacted with, just not necessarily being handled all the time... they'll let you know when they want up, and when they want down.
parker wants to be...wherever he happens to be at the moment. If he's on his cages, I can't always get him out, he just freezes and doesn't want to be bothered. But if I get him out all he wants to do is hang out on me. He probably spends about an hour a day total on me but is always in my presence when we're home (4 hrs a day).
Kelly gets focused one on one maybe an hour a day but he is either on me or right next to me for another two hours at least. Then the rest of the time he is in the room on the stand when I let him out. Maybe once or twice a week I don't take him out at all.

Folger gets out once a week to sit on a stand....maybe I'll do a couple minutes of me holding him or having him on my shoulder but otherwise he spends that once a week on a stand with me in the room.

My little birds get out at least every other day if not every day some weeks and I might be in the room or might not while they are out. Loki will get one on one for hours sometimes but it's not consistent so I can't say how often it is really. Monkey will get one on one once in awhile. Otherwise if I'm in the room while they are out and they come to talk to me I'll talk back but it isn't really measured.
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