Tiki has nailed me twice now in the last two days


Supporting Member
Jan 18, 2011
Mt. Dora Fl./central Fl.
11 month old Senegal Parrot - 3 year old SI Eclectus
drawing blood each time. But both times, I had Mac on my shoulder or other arm. I'm not talking about the little pinch or barely breaking the skin. I'm talking about biting and sinking her beak into my fingers and not letting go of the bite and blood pooring out.

Yesterday she bit so hard and latched on and when I pulled my hand away from her, it snatched her off of her perch and onto the floor. This morning when I had both Mac and Tiki one on each arm and was taking them to the breakfast table, Tiki nailed me good before I could get her on her chair and then when I rocked my hand to get her to let go of the bite, she let go and went in for a second bite. This time I rocked my hand violently causing her to fall to the seat of the chair.

So it seems that Tiki is getting very jealous of Mac. Both incidents were while I was toting both birds. I had read that Senegals like to be the only bird in the roost and I can believe it.
Ouch!! That doesn't sound fun. I would definately agree with the jealous factor. Maybe you could take Tiki out of the cage first if you insist on handling them both at the same time.
Yikes...my old Sennie started to do the same to me after becoming severely jealous of my husband. I used to refer to it as her pit bull bite, because there was more than one occassion where I could not get him off of my finger. I hope you figure out a way to stop this behavior though...how old is Tiki??
I now see that Tiki is around a year old...I didn't start seeing really jealous behaviors directed at me (as opposed to my husband) until my guy was around 7 or so. Hopefully it's just a short lived phase...
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Ouch!! That doesn't sound fun. I would definately agree with the jealous factor. Maybe you could take Tiki out of the cage first if you insist on handling them both at the same time.

I usually take Tiki out and make her first with everything that we do because of the jealous factor that I have read about regarding Sennie's. Now, my wife is really Tiki's BFF, I'm more of a stand-in for her hahahahaha. If I'm holding Tiki even without Mac and my wife walks by us, Tiki will lean towards her and if I start walking away or my wife moves away, Tiki will give me a good pinch.
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Usually Tiki is a real sweet heart with only the occassional nip that Senegals tend to do I think out of boredom or mischief if for nothing else. That is why I like to refer to Sennie's as the Dr, Jekyl & Mr. Hyde of the parrot world. Sweet as sugar one minute and want to rip your hand off the next minute.
This is the same situation I have with Cricket and Rosie. Actually Rosie bit Cricket near the ear and when I took him to Dr. Zantop he said Cricket had a broken bone at that location. Be very very careful and not let the two birds get close together. I am convinced the worse jealously comes when food is involved. My birds never eat together again.

Dr. Zantop said to me one bite from a big beak to a lilttle bird can crush the skull.
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i'd get your wife to handle her for now, lol poor tiki! and your fingers i know how you feel when tiki bites with intent!

lets just say she could get worse so brace yourself :(

but nuts settled for now, and the bacon coats been put away again!
What a shame. It's why I probably won't ever own multiple parrots. They are so smart and affectionate, but they lack two things...foresight and a conscience. A bad recipe.
can i ask you when she has finished putting holes in your hand/finger will she be in a mood for a long time. Caiques are renowned for switching behavior and being unpredictable. Seems all small parrots are prone to it. Does tiki warn you with body language or eyes before biting? Caiques will stare with their pupils going in and out then fluff up cheeks and their back then start opening wings to make themselves more threatening... so in that respect its easy to see when he is going to be a nasty git !

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