Tiki enjoying the new 18" rope perch I got for him today


Supporting Member
Jan 18, 2011
Mt. Dora Fl./central Fl.
11 month old Senegal Parrot - 3 year old SI Eclectus
My wife keeps saying that every time I leave the house and come back I bring Tiki home a new toy and I'm just spoiling him. Well, I brought her home a bunch of flowers & also took her to dinner tonight so now whose getting spoiled? hahahahaha.
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That is so cool!:D I must still buy one of those for Sterretjie! I am sure the flowers and dinner made up for all the spoiling - good for you!;) Now you must just keep at it so that Mrs. do not feel unloved again.:p
lol wild :)

and mike i have one for nut thats on the outside of her cage an she loves it!
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Sue have you noticed that nut is becoming more adventerous? I notice that ever since I placed the 18 inch rope perch on the outside of Tiki's cage, he has started climbing all over the cage, even out onto the open cage door trying to swing the door over far enough to check out some plans that I have unrolled on my work table.
Tiki is an adorable little bird. I love all the African birds, Meyers, Red Bellied, Sinegal and the others on the list.
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Thanks Spirit, He's cute as a botton and a pound of TNT in a small package. I went out to fly my RC Planes this morning (another one of my hobbies) so rather than riding Tiki around on my shoulder while helping my wife clean the house, I had to put him back on his cage. Well, as soon as I got ready to leave, Tiki started raising all manners of hell. Chirp, squawk, squeal and even tried a scream or three. I told my wife, Tiki would settle down once he realized I was gone. Yeah right, when I got home, my wife had Tiki closed up tighter than Dicks hat band and was giving him a time out. She said he hadn't stopped squawking & squealing since I had left.

So I left Tiki to his Timeout, which was killing me more than him. I wanted to get him out of his cage to play and he was climbing the cage walls wanting me to. But I had to hold fast and ignore him. After about 15 minutes when he saw I was ignoring him, he settled right down. Then after 30 minutes when I could stand it no longer, I took him a peanut and opened his cage and told him that he was being a good boy. Since then, not a peep out of him. He has been on my shoulder not wanting to go back to his cage all morning.
He has you right where he wants you. Most good bird guardians are wrapped around their birds foot. Or do you think I am way off on this?
Sue have you noticed that nut is becoming more adventerous? I notice that ever since I placed the 18 inch rope perch on the outside of Tiki's cage, he has started climbing all over the cage, even out onto the open cage door trying to swing the door over far enough to check out some plans that I have unrolled on my work table.

you can't keep a good nut down! lol mike nut is not only adventurous but generally gets up to no good, if left to her own devices, she's happy with what ever room she's in, in the house, i think as she knows she can fly away, her cage is by the front room window, hence my lack of curtains lol

i love it when she shows interest in something, all her necks stretched forward,and feathers laying flat and her eyes buldge lol
She said he hadn't stopped squawking & squealing since I had left.

:11: ok call me mean, but this kinda gives me hope nut is not all man mad lol :09:

as she normally settles as soon as hubs leaves room, unless his in the kitchen making noise lol

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