Tiki enjoying a hunk of biscuit........................


Supporting Member
Jan 18, 2011
Mt. Dora Fl./central Fl.
11 month old Senegal Parrot - 3 year old SI Eclectus
This morning Tiki likes a hunk of biscuit in the mornings. She likes her's plain, while I like mine with a bit of honey:)


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Tiki surely is enjoying that biscuit - how precious!!! Does she beg for it when she sees you have them?

...and I LOVE LOVE LOVE her cuddly friend next to her :D
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hahahahahahahaha, that's Monte the Racoon. Yes, she does beg for her piece of the biscuit. She does what I refer to as the little ballarina twisting around on her perch switching from foot to foot, too cute:)
Tiki sure enjoyed that biscuit
Tiki eats healthier than you LoL

I LOVE the way the Monte the Racoon is "hung"by his neck SHAME MIKE !!!!

Thanks for sharing
If that was my Sidney enjoying that biscuit he would be making a bee line to his water bowl to dunk it. Everything goes for a dunk with him. Nuts, pellets, fruits & veggies and breads & crackers. He loves wet food.
That's a real nice cage and play set-up you got there. :)
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Thank you, I keep telling her how lucky she is:) It's like Disney World to her all day long.

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