

New member
Jul 9, 2012
2 Quakers, 1 ring neck and 4 budgies. Baby Eclectus due sept 2012
Hi does anyone else have problems with their birds during a thunderstorm? I only had my IRN for a couple of days and at first she would step up and walk around with me. But today we are haveing storms and she will not let me near her, she sitting on top of her cage looking a little sorry for herself. She's very young and this may be her first storm. So we are just letting her be, talking to her but not pushing her to step up. I have two 1 year old Quakers that seem fine with the weather but they are so in love with each other I don't think they care anyway. Anyone have advice?
Thanks Didomum
we had some whoppers move thru yesterday & still going on right now,made me think about just that & they weren't acting any different
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She put herself tobed tonight. I hope she back to normal tomorrow or I might start getting worried that's she getting sick or something.but she is eatting ok.
I myself have been doing research for this online because I have a parrot who tends to be very vocal, and feather pick during thunderstorms.

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