This silly boy


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
2022 Parrot of the Year 🏆
Mar 15, 2022
Fairfield Connecticut, USA
Maddox is a green cheek conure
Maddox is a goof


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Um you're not reading into him to much.....he really does love you.

I think that's all that needs to be said; other than good job.

But srsly birds do LOVE. And your GCC loves you.
Well dang first off, WELL DONE getting through year one of law school!

Your stories about Maddox have always stood out to me as being those of a true partnership and I live that you appreciate what the two of you have created together!
You wouldn't happen to be a Heinlein fan ?

The quote at the bottom of your post I recognize as coming from ....
Well it crops up in more than one but "Time enough for Love "
and maybe Citizen of the Galaxy.

And yes Birds can love you.
They don't always show it by wanting cuddles and being clingy.
Some just don't like to be handled but that doesn't mean that the love is not there.
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You wouldn't happen to be a Heinlein fan ?

The quote at the bottom of your post I recognize as coming from ....
Well it crops up in more than one but "Time enough for Love "
and maybe Citizen of the Galaxy.

And yes Birds can love you.
They don't always show it by wanting cuddles and being clingy.
Some just don't like to be handled but that doesn't mean that the love is not there.
thanks so much! The quote is actually an expression used in freemasonry, it chalks up to mean "and so it will be done"
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every single day I'm thankful of the love if my parrots and pups. And my love for them.

Like you they have pulled me through many tough times. And turned tears into smiles.

And now you have all of us! And we think you are doing amazing and are rooting for you!
And I am so incredibly thankful to have all of you guys! everyone has been so nice and welcoming. Looks like Maddox and I have found a home!
I had to post this. This little conure has completely saved me and has gifted me with unparalleled joy. Life was way too much for the past decade and has been painfully unpredictable. High school and friends did not come easy, and four years in undergrad brought my stress levels to new heights. All of this of course does not hold a candle to my experience during my first year in law school. Along the way, I lost my grandparents, my aspiration, and myself. I desperately needed a friend, and my conure Maddox quickly filled that seat. Maddox has helped me push, and for the last few months, has been my rock and something I can depend on. I fully understand that he is a bird, and I might be reading into him too much, but I find great comfort in the idea that we are friends and he loves me as much as I love him. His playful energy calms me and sets me at ease and has made me insurmountably happy.
I'm so glad Maddox came into your life. You're right, life is tough. But I'm sure Maddox will be able to help ease some of the pain. Birds can't judge us and are always there for us when we need them.

I don't think you're reading into him too much. Just like other animals, birds are capable of loving us.

Thank you for sharing his story.

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