This is why Kyo is not in our living room


New member
Mar 18, 2015
Halifax, NS, Canada
Kyoto (AKA Kyo)-Green Cheek Conure
Charlie - Canary
Tommy - Budgie
Sunny - budgie
Dougal - 35 pounds of neediness and jealousy.:eek:


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When he stands up on his hind legs, Dougal's nose reaches door knobs. We get all 35 ponds of him slamming into our bedroom door trying to desperately get to us in the morning. I put a stop to the allowing him in the room long before Kyo came along, but it's of course even more important now.
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Dougal next to me for comparison lol


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Wow, Dougal the monster kitty :). I don't think I'd be messing with him when he's feeling jealous lol!
:eek: Yowser! That is one enormous puddy-cat. :eek:

Yup, I can sure see why Kyo is not in your living room.

Dougal sure is pretty though!! :)
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Dougal is actually a wonderful pet… very similar in personality to Kyo actually. Loves people and just wants to be where the humans are. He is never off doing his own thing and just wants to be close to me constantly. If Dougal was a parrot he'd be the neediest cockatoo in the world haha
Holy crap:11: that's a big cat! I thought my cat, Cootie, was big at 19 pounds! Actually, I think Dougal is "big" and Cootie is just "fat" (shhh...don't tell her I said that:09:). Dougal is beautiful!
Beautiful cat. I love kitties. At that weight though he probably couldn't catch your birdie. My cats (around 12 pounds) are annoyed at the birds and really don't care BUT I don't leave them alone either.
Dougal is incredible!
35 pounds, OMG that's huge! I have 3 adult cats that don't weigh that combined (9, 11 & 12 pounds).
He doesn't try to climb the Christmas tree or the drapes or anything does he? That would be a disaster!
:eek: Yowser! That is one enormous puddy-cat. :eek:

Yup, I can sure see why Kyo is not in your living room.

Dougal sure is pretty though!! :)

Yeah that's a big puddy tat....We had a maine coon cat many moons ago that was 42 lbs. A monster....wasn't fat..just they are enormous cats.

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