This is hilarious!


New member
Feb 1, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
|Cockatiels:Tara and Shylo|
Budgies:Fresca and Domino|
Senegal Parrot: Kayto|
Some one made a thread about this on another forum i visit i thought it was too funny.

Checkout what's wrong with it? It's pretty easy to spot. It's made a number of different times.

And here it is incase it got flagged or something:

a beautyfull COCKATIEL, is looking for a god home, not only go you get this amaizingly smart bird, but you get a huge gabe, that has legs with rollers, so you can move it around easliy...

All of the birds toys, a bag of COCKATIEL food, matching porsilin food and water dishes, ans s fes swings...

if this is your first bird, it would perfect.... you dont need anything else...... EVERYTING AND MORE IS INCLUDDED...

He cost $150 alown, and the cage cost $200

all of toys and accesories, cost over $50

There is "addoption fee" of $150 but it can be negoated......

The only reason i have to give him up, is because i am moving for collage, and i cant bring him with me
all I have to say is unless the key board is broked he/she isn't going to last long at college, and I HATE it when people get rid of there birds to go off to college there are ways to avoid it.
The only thing I am picking up on is that it is very, very good that this person is going off to "collage"... am I missing something else :confused:
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LOL ya, that's for sure.Now it could be different in the USA, but I'm pretty sure you actually have to know how to spell to get into college.

Ya, i agree Kelly. Specially since Cockatiels aren't very loud birds. I mean i could see it if it was a loud bird, but even then i personally would never give up my birds for college. I plan on leaving my birdies with my parents, if i do move into a dorm which i dont plan on doing. I plan on renting an apartment or staying at home till im done. :D
The only thing I am picking up on is that it is very, very good that this person is going off to "collage"... am I missing something else :confused:

what i meant by this is that it is GOOD that the person is going of to "collage" so s/he can learn to AT LEAST SPELL properly!!!!

am i missing something else tho??
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Or maybe they really are going to 'collage'.... they may be real crafty you know?
Ya know what Red, I think in this case it would be very called for. :D

I really do wish people would think of these things before buying a bird.
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I wonder what a 'gabe on wheels' is. Gee my fids must be sure missing out on that one.
I want some "fes swings" for my fids. Why haven't I got any, where do ya think they get them from? I Know I'll Google it. :D
Did some one mention poor spelling?
Shall I get my soap box out?

*grabbing Red's soap box and pulling it over for him* (I know you have been under the weather recently)

In this case you are invited to go off about spelling - it's one of my pet peeves as well. It is one thing to have an occasional typo, but it is yet another completely different thing to put an ad up with very bad spelling/typing. I must concur the fact that this individual isn't going to last long in an English speaking university.
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*grabbing Red's soap box and pulling it over for him* (I know you have been under the weather recently)

In this case you are invited to go off about spelling - it's one of my pet peeves as well. It is one thing to have an occasional typo, but it is yet another completely different thing to put an ad up with very bad spelling/typing. I must concur the fact that this individual isn't going to last long in an English speaking university.

I take it you plan on being an english teacher?
**Deanna makes mental note to never take Tex as an English teacher or advisor** :p
How did this person get accepted to college?

What is the world coming to?

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