Thinking Caiques...... Thinking....


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Bean the Blue Front Amazon, Chico the Ringneck, and Ida the African grey
So I have always loved these little birds. Can anyone tell me how they are as companions? How they are with other birds? Are they moody? Etc. I am curious to what the owners of these little birds have to say.
I know someone has a caique on here trhat is really moody.
I held a caique once and he was really friendly, except when he was out he would rather be on his play stand then on me. He was also nippy, but I guess it depends on how the bird is raised. I also know they are very very hyper and "never stop moving" :)
I don't know anything 1st hand, but I've noticed that most people have them in pairs. They seem to have lots of high energy play. I've been thinking of them too. I think the white front are gorgeous.
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I just love these two.

[ame=]the argument Caique - YouTube[/ame]

I love that they are hyper and hop around. Like the next one.

[ame=]Hopping Caique - YouTube[/ame]

I just think they are so darn cute. :)
I have always heard them refered to as the clowns of the bird world . I have heard they are hyper too . My husband wanted one a while ago but never could find the money to get one they are rather costly .
Love watch other peoples, but I think all that energy could wear you down. Merlins has enough & they look like double trouble. lol

There was a pair on hear for around $1200, I think that was w/cage. I have heard they are expensive.
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I found some on ebay between $450-$750.... I am going to contact the breeder I got Ida from and see if she ever gets any. Oh brother. lol
lol i love how they stop and look at the camera! at a pet store i was at they were very approachable and friendly and they would rub all over my brothers hair it was just hilarious they were so much fun but i heard they can be loud.
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Amazon loud or conure loud?
I have a White Bellied Caique (that's her in my profile picture). Hmmm how can I describe...She is ALWAYS in a good mood (she is 1 year old), she is very active and independent, she will play by herself and then will be on our shoulder and "surf", she is not a one bird only (she likes me, hubby and son all the same), she is not needy as long as you have plenty for her to do (playgym, net, jolly ball, tons of toys). She is like the energizer bunny and you never run out of batteries ahah.

The downside, is that she is a HUGE pain in the butt with the other parrots! She is VERY VERY ROUGH in her play, she wants to play and rustle all the time only nobody wants to play like this all day long! So she goes around and harrass everyone...and if she can corner one, she'll want to wrestle and her beak is really really strong. She will overpreene my Pionus so they look like bald vultures! She has hurt my Lovebird and fight with the Conures (mostly because they won't play).

She can be LOUD!!! I don't know how loud a Amazon is, but she is louder that the Sun Conure. Fortunately, it is not a continous scream, more like Tarzan's scream. She is afraid of no parrot. She is careful though of parrots bigger than her (My Grey), but same size or smaller she'll drive them crazy.

I think that is why people tend to get 2 Caiques. Only a Caique can play the way Caiques play....I only have her but might consider another for playmate.....only can I handle the noise????

Livy is the sweetest and puts herself to bed in her little tend when I say time for bed :).
I have a friend who has one. He only likes me and her. He attacks her husband, but if he likes you, you are ok.
They are very high energy and never stop moving. They are clowns, that's for sure. My friend's can be a little unpredictable with the nipping.
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Hmm? I am still thinking I may want one. Not right now... but someday. I only have one small parrot, and he's old as the hills and already has found hiding spots from the other two parrots. This is will be a thinker for sure.
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Bean backs down to pesky Ida. He puts on a good amazon front, but he's really not a typical amazon at heart.
I got a black-headed caique about a month ago. He's awesome! He's friendly with everyone, although sometimes cautious. He's very playful.

He was pretty loud when I got him, but he's quieted down a lot. I live in an apartment and I'm trying to train him to be relatively quiet, and he's pretty good most of the time. I'm thinking about getting him a caique friend in the future though, because I keep hearing about how they don't get along that well with other species.

Caiques are kind of quirky! They like to dunk their food in water, and some of them sleep and/or play on their backs! Sooooooooooo silly!

Getting him was the best thing I've done in a looong time! :-D
I have two white bellied caiques that are almost a year old. They are brother and sister. I have 13 birds and I tell people all the time that if I could only have one type of bird it would definitely be caiques. It is best to have a pair because as others have posted, they like to play rough and out of all my birds none of them can keep up like another caique can.

Regarding noise, they are not loud in my opinion. I have a sun conure and 3 macaws...those are loud. Caiques frequently whistle and make lots of other cute chattering noises however they do have a bit of a high pitched call but it doesn't bother me at all. I can barely hear them if my macaws are screaming.

Caiques are like dogs in bird form. They love to wrestle, play with any type of toy and hop around on the floor like bunnies. My male is more outgoing than my female, but they both step up willingly for strangers and rarely bite unless scared. They do have their moods but so does any other bird. I would consider them more stable than my conures and my macaws as far as temperament goes.

Caiques have no fear and will often chase my dogs as well as any of my other birds. They are very smart, though, and have learned where the limits are with each of the other members of my flock. They will also get into EVERYTHING, so it is very important to keep anything not suitable for birds off of your floor because I promise you that is where they will spend lots of their time. They also love to sit with my boyfriend and I and also love to "body surf", which is a favorite activity of all caiques. They will grab onto your shirt, hair, or a blanket and hold it tight with their feet while rubbing their bodies and heads back and forth. It is not a sexual behavior and is very funny to watch.

I say go for it! You will not regret it!
Yes I agree with Careym13, very good description of Caiques....
I want one oh so bad. I absolutely fell in love with this White bellied at a local petco.

Her name is kira and she acts like a playful... if not the most playful dog i have ever met. As soon as you walk into the bird room she runs to the bars of her cage and puts her head and well... entire body wanting you to pet her. My GF and i have had her taken out a few times to play with her.... She falls on her back in your hands and wants her belly rubbed she wrestles with your fingers (but not rough she has you in her beak but never has bitten hard at all)

IM in love... But not the 1500 price tag...
Ah well bird fair soon. Maybe? haha

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