Thinking about a male Meyer's parrot


New member
May 1, 2012
Montebello, CA
Capa (Budgie), Quark (Budgie)
Hello All,

I'm thinking about a male Meyers parrot. I currently have 2 male budgies, Capa and Quark, that do their own thing. I used to have a Sun Conure, Boomer, and Johann (BoomBoom's on the forum) has him. What can I expect from a Meyers when comparing to a Sun? Also, has anyone in SoCal purchased a bird from EMR Exotic Bird Breeder in San Diego?


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Moved away from each other. I took the budgies and he kept Boomer.
Comparing a Myers to a Sun is like night and day. Myers are no where near as loud as a sun. They do emit a hi pitch sound but its very tolerable. Like any bird, if you get a young one they go through their rough moment. They are playful and can be a lot of fun. Smaller than a Senegal, but they are from the same African Poi family. Easy to house and some learn to talk. They can get cage aggressive though. I miss my Myers.

I checked out EMR... For a Senegal, but I had a really hard time getting a hold of them. I left messages and email, but it was only when I felt ignored and emailed them or the last time, that I got a response. Guess they were really busy, but what if I had a problem and needed to talk to someone. You can also check out "our feather friends, their sister store bird haven and birdsmart. Google them, they are also here in San Diego.
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How about personality wise? Boomer was great.

They are fun lil birds, but they have a big personality in a lil body. Whey they hit puberty, like most birds can be a handful. When I had my Myers, this was when I gave up (totally regret it) but I was going through a lot and didn't understand what my bird was going through and took her behavior personal. I will never make that mistake again. What draws you to a Myers.
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From what I've read, they have big parrot type personalities, but are comparatively quiet. I live in an apartment, so how quiet they are is important. In the YouTube videos I've seen, they do seem to be quiet, but chatty. Budgies are supposed to be quiet, but when I get home from work, I can hear my budgies chatting all the way from the carport. I do leave the front door for them open all day, so that's probably why I can here them all the way from there. I first learned about Meyers when looking up Senegals. I ran into a person with a Senegal at Pet's Mart with Johann one day. Meyers are supposed to be smaller, more sociable, Senegal type birds?
From what I've read, they have big parrot type personalities, but are comparatively quiet. I live in an apartment, so how quiet they are is important. In the YouTube videos I've seen, they do seem to be quiet, but chatty. Budgies are supposed to be quiet, but when I get home from work, I can hear my budgies chatting all the way from the carport. I do leave the front door for them open all day, so that's probably why I can here them all the way from there. I first learned about Meyers when looking up Senegals. I ran into a person with a Senegal at Pet's Mart with Johann one day. Meyers are supposed to be smaller, more sociable, Senegal type birds?

Yes everything you described is true. They are good for apartments. I had mine when I was in my apartment. Definitely on the quieter side, but they have their moments, as do any bird. But they are not screamers, like some species. Definitely not as loud as my Sennie and she is for the most part very quiet. They also have lil robotic voices like a Sennie. So adorable.
They say the same thing about Senegals as well. But I have found that this isn't true with ever Senegal just like I'm sure it's not with all Myers either. I know if I lived in an apartment with my Senegal, I would have been kicked out a long time ago.

[ame=]This is an apartment bird??? - YouTube[/ame]
He's just as loud as a smoke alarm in that video. :/

Being labelled a 'quiet' bird does not make a bird quiet, it makes them QUIETER in comparison to other birds.

Merlin is a senegal and as far as I'm aware the 'biggest difference' between a senegal and a meyers is that meyers are more 'family birds' with senegals being more 'one person birds'. Noise, attitude, etc, generally all the same.

Senegal are 'quiet' birds, but I can hear Merlin down the street, windows open or not. I live in a terraced house (which is essentially similar to a flat, houses literally joined together) and I know for a fact my neighbours hear Merlin, I know for a fact my neighbours across the road and along the street a bit, still hear Merlin.

If noise is an issue, I'd be incredibly weary of you getting any bird from the poi family, because I'd hate for him to be lovely and quiet, then when you realise how loud he is (or your neighbours realise...) then you have to rehome him.

Charlie is quiet as a mouse all day long, but has his bursts of noise. Merlin is reasonable 'quiet'... with long lived bursts of noise, not just at dawn and dusk.

I know I'm using my senegals as an example, but they're not all that different from Meyers. If you believe your budgies to be loud, a Meyers is going to be a hundred times worse. I believe (since you've had a sun conure) that the noise wont bother you too much... but your neighbours may be less forgiving.
I agree with Mayden, Safari my Senegal is super quiet.....guess I lucked out there :)

the only time he is noisy is when he hangs upside down on his swing, and screams his head off, but that is maybe once a month.

I have heard Myers before and I was quite surprised at the sound of their call.
He's just as loud as a smoke alarm in that video. :/

That's so funny you say that because when I heard that sound come from my Sennie, I thought oh she sounds like a smoke alarm when it's time to change the batteries. LOL!

A Myers isn't as loud as a Sennie. They a similar hi pitch sound, but its a little different then a Sennie, at least in my opinion. I haven't had one in a very long time, it's just what I remember.
They say the same thing about Senegals as well. But I have found that this isn't true with ever Senegal just like I'm sure it's not with all Myers either. I know if I lived in an apartment with my Senegal, I would have been kicked out a long time ago.

This is an apartment bird??? - YouTube

With my Myers, I never had any complaints. Her calls weren't persistent . Now my cockatiels was a different story, I love cockatiels, but couldn't live with their chattering insistent calls. Rio my Sennie, is so much easer to live with then the cockatiels.

BTW I like your cage, I have the same one. Do you like yours?
He's just as loud as a smoke alarm in that video. :/

Boomer, you ain't heard the half of it. But I was trying to figure out what she sounds like and you hit the nail right on the head. She can get into her noisy fits a few times a day, especially if she is looking for attention and not getting it.

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