Things only parrot owners understand


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2021
Minnesota, USA
Eclectus Parrot: Nico (male)
Jenday Conure: Kiwi (female)
Sun Conure: Charlie (male)

Vets suggest covering parrots so they can get a full 12 hours of sleep uninterrupted. I understand the purpose to this. I leave a little of the bottom uncovered. Well… Kiwi the conure then plays peek-a-boo. This is a fun game to her. What can you do? Birds will be birds 😂
My budgies used to do this occasionally. They’d mainly just scream to get me up. Rico mainly screams to wake me up and for me to take off his cage cover, but some days he’s radio silent until I uncover that cage. He drops a duke and then starts to scream his head off.
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Vets suggest covering parrots so they can get a full 12 hours of sleep uninterrupted. I understand the purpose to this. I leave a little of the bottom uncovered. Well… Kiwi the conure then plays peek-a-boo. This is a fun game to her. What can you do? Birds will be birds 😂
Oh her little face, how utterly irresistible!!! 😍

Bedtime is THE WORST since Lovejoy the lorikeet joined our flock. Fang, Val and Jem all hop in their cages for a pre-bedtime snack and then quite happily go to bed, but not Lovejoy, oooohhhh no. He requires, nay demands about an hour's worth of scritching and snuggling with me before bedtime, at a time when HE determines by flying up to one of our light fittings and giving my husband a withering stare until he leaves the room. And as this takes place around sunset it also means I have to structure our dinner time around birdie snuggle time to suit His Royal Requirements. And then, when it's finally bedtime and I pop him in his cage and go to cover him I get THAT look from his big eyes that says "Mum, why are you caging me, I thought you loved meeeeeeeee!!!!" and some plaintive little squeaks from under the covers. Breaks my heart Every. Single. Time!!!! Non-parrot people will never understand ANY of this, thank goodness here I am among folks who do!!
all of my flock we have a social contract. I will let them out during the day but they have to go to their locked up cages at night. They are all like "no to early"..... but they do it. I use a fitted sheet that goes around the cage but yeah we have a worked out routine. go to bed then you get all the bowls filled in the morning.

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