Things I'm finding out...


New member
Sep 25, 2015
1) Yoda dislikes when the TV/Video games are on.

He spends 8h per day quiet (radio) and when I get home usually the TV goes on, for background noise while cooking dinner, etc.

When young he would always fly into the bathroom. It was like his security place where he would hid in a corner and wait for me to come rub his neck and pay attention to him.

2) He loves glasses, I may have to get a backup set, it's going to break soon.

3) Dimming the lights tells him its getting close to bed time.

4) When introducing new toys, he isn't sure if they are ment to be played with, until I get inside there and play with them. Fair game until then.

5) Seems like a bird that want's to know what his limits are. If he thinks I'm mad.. back to the tent he goes... then waits for me to reach in to offer neck rubs.

6) Wants respect. Over the past little bit I have adopted that kid cartoon where the big anamial will pad "george" and love him, etc. He gives better response when it's mutually agreed upon.

7) while typing this, likes to sit on the fingers and feel part on the conversation. lol.

8) likes the warmth of being cupped inside the hands.

9) poops when excited, but as per other posts training him the word poop+action, and go from there.

10) I got no 10 yet, but when he gets more tired I can cuddle him a bit more (even have him on his back while rubbing him).

These things have loads of personality and should not be treated as a superior but an equal.

That is all for this service announcement. :rainbow1:

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